Tucker Carlson Reveals That The Director Of The CIA Threatened Him & Said It Was A Crime To Expose The CIA Murdered A Sitting United States President Tucker also exposes The CIA was planning on murdering Julian Assange “Committed a crime. He's threatening me. He's in my car. I'll never with my dog sitting next to him, I'll never forget this. And I said, are you really saying that to reveal that the US government had a role in the murder of a democratically elected president, to say that out loud, that's the crime? What about the actual crime, which is murdering a president? Like, you're covering up for that, Mike Pompeo. He had no no response at all. And so Mike Pompeo is the one who pressed Trump to keep those documents secret. And so it's like, what's crazy to me is not just that Pompeo did that. I think Pompeo is a really sinister person and a and a criminal. I think that. I think that because the facts suggest that he was caught. Yahoo News, Mike Isikoff wrote a long piece on this several years ago. His employees went to Mike Isikoff and said, hey. Mike Pompeo was plotting to murder Julian Assange who's never even been charged with a crime in the United States as CIA director. That's illegal. You're not allowed. Federal employees are not allowed to just kill people they don't like. Okay. Just just set the baseline here. So that's who Mike Pompeo is. But he somehow intimidated Trump into not releasing this. Well, okay. That's all bad. Right? I think it's criminal behavior.”
Its like I said. Weve never really had democracy in order for such corruption to be so completely unconcealed...and remain so compleyely unchecked. The insider family deep state has went mainsyream in government in 47 and has operated with total impunity since. Just look at what a joke 9/11 was. At the root of that must have been an assumption that people are just flat stupid. I guess they were right
On his podcast, where an audience bigger than Fox would then know.
Reveal to America what Pompeo told him, then let Pompeo & the deep state deal with the fallout.
Keep up the good work. The internet makes lots people rich with nonsense and childishness (which they prefer but they already act as though people are children anyway)...or at least confine their content too things that the man hasnt reserved for himself. So if a guy is smart, pays attention and doesnt like the plots against people in general...that needed ability gets marginalised. Its a shame to see your quality content not get the views it deserves. I really dont expect that too change. Looks to me like they're tightening the screws
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Listen Now
Its like I said. Weve never…
Tucker should've called Pompeo's bluff
Keep up the good work. The…