What Attacked a Russian Submarine On a Retrieval Mission In the Arctic?

One of my military sources once told me that Putin intends to occupy the North Pole and is willing to fight for the right to do so. With Goldman Sachs and their interlocking interests at the Federal Reserve buying up a substantial portion of the world's gold, they need to have hedge against the dropping price of gold and the resource-rich North Pole provides that insurance. However, if one were to just read the headlines of the MSM, one would think that nothing but the wrapping of Christmas presents by Santa Claus is the only activity going on at the North Pole. Yet, both American interests and the Russian military are vying for control of the region and have been for the past 12 years.
We are clearly living in end times prophecy and as proof of that statement, we are seeing wars and rumors of wars appearing almost daily. In the latest example of this prophecy, we witnessed catastrophic damage to a Russian submarine resulting in the deaths of 14 sailors from a crew of 25. Additionally, there is an isolated and very unconfirmed report that an American submarine was torpedoed and sunk near Alaska in the vicinity of the Arctic. I want to stress that this report, at this time, should be viewed with suspicion. Then why report it? Wars and rumors and wars. However, when it comes to the Arctic. I have previously identified this region as the future site of WW III and I did so over 5 years ago.
Before an analysis of the damage done to a Russian submarine on July 1st and the questionable report of the sinking of an American submarine by the Russians, it is important to consider the recent history of this subject in order to establish a contextual background before a a critical analysis can be offered.
International Law and the Arctic
Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which was finalized in 1982, countries can lay claim to the ocean floor well beyond their borders so long as they can provide convincing scientific evidence to prove that a particular seabed is an extension of their continental shelf. Already, countries have sovereign rights to resources within 200 nautical miles of their territorial waterways. For a country to determine whether they have economic sovereignty beyond that distance, the UN agreement requires comprehensive mapping that establishes some sort of geologic justification for the claim. And where the Arctic is concerned, Canada, the US, Norway, Russia, and Denmark have been amassing scientific evidence for more than a decade in an effort to increase their piece of this resource-rich pie.
Important Interview with Sweden’s Agneta Nordberg
Agneta Nordberg the former Vice Chair of the Swedish Peace Council, a member of the Steering Committee in The International Peace Bureau (IPB) and five years ago she was highly concerned that Sweden was being used by the United States and its NATO allies to conduct their war games on Swedish soil. Sweden is a supposed neutral country and has signed agreements in opposition to exactly what is going on which are secret war games on its soil. And if it were not for a Norwegian military plane crash into Mount Kebnekaise, the world would never have discovered these secret war games taking place in northern Sweden and Norway. Nordberg stated that the reason for the war games is because of the melting ice which has exposed the vast amounts of mineral resources, the largest in the world. It is not an overstatement to proclaim that whoever controls the Arctic, will someday control the world’s economy. The rumors of Canada's involvement as an American proxy force can be substantiated. It is now verifiable that the Canadians are working on a new navy base. China is in the process of interjecting themselves into the conflict as well.
Ten Years of Secret Arctic U.S. War Games
Since 2007, there have been massive NATO Arctic war maneuvers in both Sweden and Norway with all of NATO, and specifically, the United States. One of the war games was dubbed the Nordic Air Meet, in 2007, where most of NATO took part in massive war games designed to protect interests in the Arctic from Russian incursion. Again, in 2009, operation Loyal Arrow, was held which was the largest air war game in history involving the northern part of Sweden, Norway, and also in Finland. These Arctic war games have continued with the Cold Response №1, a winter maneuver in the northern part of Sweden and northern Norway. And another war game took place in March of 2012, known as the Cold Response №2. In a very provocative move, both NATO and the U.S. have installed an advanced radar system only a few kilometers from the Russian border known as the Vardo radar system. Vardo is dangerous because it is embedded within a missile defense system. This system is a checkmate against Russian offensive missile weapons systems located near the Arctic. The installation of Vardo is an act of aggression and, in some circles, is considered an act of war, and that is where this is likely heading.
Russian Military Actions and Intentions
Now compare the Russian Arctic mineral retrieval activities and the military significance should jump off the page at the reader. There are additional Russian Arctic territorial claims which conflict with US territorial claims. Russia is making several territorial claims in relation to several Arctic shelf areas and is planning to defend their claims to the United Nations. After reading the final section of this article, I believe the Russian intention of obtaining UN approval is merely window dressing. They are preparing to take what they want by whatever means necessary. The Russian economic interest in the North Pole is clear and is illustrated by the map. This is Russia's insurance policy to following oil and gold prices which is cutting into the heart of the Russian economic empire.
Russia Has Been In War Mode for a Decade
The Russians are in war mode, Arctic war mode. I do not see how any reasonable person could read the following accounts of Russian military buildup in the Arctic and not conclude that the spark for WW III will not begin here. In 2014, Russia tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb, which unleashes a destructive shockwave with the power of a nuclear blast, the military said on Tuesday, dubbing it the "father of all bombs". This is the most powerful non-nuclear bomb on the world. In fact, many experts believe that this bomb does pack a nuclear punch. This would be the weapon of choice in the coming Arctic conflict because it would kill soldiers, dismantle military equipment without destroying the surrounding mineral resources, which is the point of the coming conflict. And to add insult to injury, we know now that the Russians have developed a supersonic torpedo and this could figure in prominently to the developing story involving the Russian submarine.
Russian Spy Submarine Attacked
The apparent attack upon a Russian spy submarine engaged in a retrieval mission is beginning to draw attention.
From the Independent:
The Kremlin has said it is not planning to identify the submarine involved in Monday's fire that cost the lives of at least 14 servicemen – or release any details about its mission...
However, there are some details that are emerging from quiet voices from the intelligence community who are not going to tolerate disinformation being spread about this situation.
I received a call from my most trusted insider-source, a former high ranking ARSOF member. The source informed me of the following:
The Russian submarine accident occurred on board the Losharik, one of the Russian Navy's secretive spy subs. the "accident" also involved a submersible craft that the Losharik had launched, or its larger Delfin-class mothership submarine, the BS-64 Podmoskovye.
My ARSOF source directed me to the following site. According to The Drive, "the submarine in question was actually BS-64, which reportedly serves as the mothership for Losharik. The small nuclear-powered submarine is supposed to ride closer to the mission area underneath the larger BS-64." This is where this gets really interesting. The Drive went on to say the following:
...the Russians also describe their special mission submarines, ranging from the deep-diving, nuclear-powered, yet relatively small submarine Losharik to the new Belgorod, presently the world's longest submarine, as "research" boats. That a mothership submarine carries Losharik ventrally during extended-range missions may be part of the confusion, as well. There is limited information about any of these submarines.
Losharik can reportedly dive to depths as deep as 3,300 feet and its primary mission is to investigate and manipulate objects of interest on the seabed. This could include recovery of sensitive objects for intelligence analysis or to prevent other countries from doing the same, the deployment of sensors or other equipment, or the tapping or cutting of seabed cables supporting military and civilian communications and other networks.
In short, this submarine is about retrieving objects from the bottom of the ocean floor. What object(s)? My ARSOF source said there are a few possibilities:
- Great mineral deposits (most likely given recent political and military events)
- Retrieving a reportedly lost supersonic torpedo
- A crashed UFO (farfetched in my opinion)
How was the Russian submarine damaged? Again, deferring to my source, he said the following:
- A firefight of some sort against an American sub attempting to retrieve the same object(s)
- Whatever was being "retrieved" fought back.
The possibility of this just being a tragic accident is highly unlikely given the reaction of both the US and Russia.
This Is Not Just An Accident
There are emergency meetings going on all over the world. Air Force 2 was recalled with Vice President Pence on it and he promptly cancelled all engagements and returned to the White House. Emergency meetings have been taking place at the White House this afternoon, with Vice President Pence being called back to the White House and having to cancel his scheduled trip to New Hampshire.
As Pence was being called back, word broke in Russian media that Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled a public event he had long scheduled, and diverted immediately for a meeting with his Defense Minister. Allegedly at the meeting Putin summoned the General Secretary of the Russian Armed Forces to the meeting.
There are emergency meetings going on all over the world. Air Force 2 was recalled with Vice President Pence on it and he promptly cancelled all engagements and returned to the White House. Emergency meetings have been taking place at the White House this afternoon, with Vice President Pence being called back to the White House and having to cancel his scheduled trip to New Hampshire.
As Pence was being called back to Washington DC, a simultaneous event was reported in the Russian media that Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled a long-standing public event as he was diverted immediately for a meeting with his Defense Minister. Allegedly at the meeting Putin summoned the General Secretary of the Russian Armed Forces to the meeting. Additionally, NATO held a high level meeting in the immediate aftermath and the UK also held high level emergency military meetings. Paul Martin even received a report that the First Lady had been recalled to the White House and was placed in protective custody.
This was certainly no accident. For this many meetings to be cancelled and emergency meetings to be held, there is certainly a crisis and the odds favor that the fallout from this event is still in play. My ARSOF source was not sure the exact nature and cause of the damage to the Russian submarine. However, he said it was clear enough that it was serious enough, to consider the possibility of going to war. Could the alleged sinking of American submarine off the coast of Alaska be related is unclear. The simplest and most likely answer is that there was a "difference of opinion" on a mineral deposit in the Arctic. What is clear is that more details will be forthcoming in the upcoming days.
Russian submarine