Now That UN Troops Have Emerged, Should Americans Be Concerned with FEMA's Massive Purchases of Hydrogen Cyanide?

Back in previous Central American immigration invasion, I documented, over and over, the UN troop presence in our country with photos and eyewitness accounts. Very few people cared. The UN was still perceived as a "helpful, peaceful organization". Forget the fact that the UN stood around and observed 1 million Rwandans executed, many times right in front of them. The UN Peacekeepers, as they are ironically called have emerged from their hiding places (eg abandoned military bases) are positioned for immediate action in order to seize control of the United States government (see the Q-Alert, below. as well as the previous reports on the CSS) over the past 4 days).
This week I am going to write about the intentions of the United Nations if they are successful in a coup to replace Donald Trump and Mike Pence. If and when the American people object, The UN has plans for these milions of American dissidents. They are already armed with lists, obtained by the Deep State-controlled NSA. It is a naughty and nice list. All Americans have a threat matrix score and everyone is categorized, as Steve Quayle so aptly describes as "Red list, Blue list, Green list"... This is a multipart series which will demonstrate, with irrefutable documentation what lies in America's future. Each article will present a means that the UN plans to rid America of anyone who is deemed to be uncooperattive. The UN has had the previous complicity of nearly every federal agency. Please note that the rank and file of these agencies are made up of good men and women. However, as one federal law enforcement agent told me, "we cannot trust anyone over a GS-15 (with the implication that these people were largely Obama-era communist appointees), we know where the domestic ISIS base camps are located, we know where the child sex trafficking factories are, but we are prevented from doing our jobs".
In this series, I will publish one aspect of our codified intention to exterminate millions of "uncooperative Americans" along with the means to do so. In a few days, I will have you sleeping under the bed unless you have a case of terminal cognitive dissonance.
Look at the following excerpt from EO 13603. Courtesy of former President Obama, it gives the government the authority to conduct two drafts. Most are familiar with the military draft. However, what has gone unnoticed is right for a rogue regime to enact a civilian labor conscription, Nazi-style, to do the government's labor. And historically, this labor is always done in FEMA camps.
Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor.
(a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation's workforce needs for purposes of national defense; (2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services; (3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order, consult with that agency with respect to:
(i) the effect of contemplated actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor; (4) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order:
(i) formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and (ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs; and (5) develop and implement an effective labor management relations policy to support the activities and programs under this order, with the cooperation of other agencies as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, including the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the National Mediation Board, and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. (b) All agencies shall cooperate with the Secretary of Labor, upon request, for the purposes of this section, to the extent permitted by law.
This will be all-United Nations driven. So, I ask you, is it a big deal that we have UN troops on American soil?
Once You Are In the Camp, Bad Things Will Happen
Based upon the word of a trusted FBI informant, I published the fact that FEMA had previously imported Hydrogen Cyanide from Brazil beginning in 2011. Because FEMA feared discovery, they began to label the containers as anything but other than what they were. Many people chose to not believe the report. However, I have discovered OSHA documentation which completely validates the claim. Further, based upon my claim, two readers of The Common Sense Show sent me similar documents which validates the claim that FEMA is stockpiling deadly gas which has been used in warfare and to execute prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. FEMA does not engage in warfare against foreign countries, therefore, this gas could only have one purpose, to kill FEMA camps detainees! Here is the smoking gun document followed by a contextual background analysis blended with contemporary events. There can be no question that the Deep State is anticipating victor, through a coup, and this is reward for resistance against their illegitimate authority. A special thanks to Pam, Maria and Jim for sending this to me.
Getting Rid of Trouble-Makers Documentation Proving FEMA Has Imported Hydrogen Cyanide
NON-FLAMMABLE GAS MIXTURE MSDS - 50024 EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2011 PAGE 1 OF 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Prepared to U.S. OSHA, CMA, ANSI and Canadian WHMIS Standards 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CHEMICAL NAME; CLASS: NON-FLAMMABLE GAS MIXTURE Containing the Following Component in a Nitrogen Balance Gas: Hydrogen Cyanide: 0.0001- 0.02% SYNONYMS: Not Applicable CHEMICAL FAMILY NAME: Not Applicable FORMULA: Not Applicable Document Number: 50024 Note: The Material Safety Data Sheet is for this gas mixture supplied in cylinders with 33 cubic feet (935 liters) or less gas capacity (DOT - 39 cylinders). This MSDS has been developed for various gas mixtures with the composition of components within the ranges listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients). Refer to the product label for information on the actual composition of the product. PRODUCT USE: Calibration of Monitoring and Research Equipment U.S. SUPPLIER/MANUFACTURER'S NAME: CALGAZ ADDRESS: 821 Chesapeake Drive Cambridge, MD 21613 BUSINESS PHONE: 1-410-228-6400 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. U.S. EST) General MSDS Information: 1-713-868-0440 Fax on Demand: 1-800-231-1366 EMERGENCY PHONE: Chemtrec: United States/Canada/Puerto Rico: 1-800-424-9300 [24-hours] Chemtrec International: 1-703-527-3887 [24-hours]
Hydrogen Cyanide 74-90-8 0.0001- 0.020%
NE 4.7 (ceiling) [skin] 10 (skin) 4.7 (skin) 50 NIOSH REL: STEL = 4.7 (skin) DFG MAKs: TWA = 11.9 (skin) PEAK = 5•MAK 30 min., average value Nitrogen 7727-37-9 Balance There are no specific exposure limits for Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a simple asphyxiant (SA). Oxygen levels should be maintained above 19.5%. NE = Not Established. See Section 16 for Definitions of Terms Used. NOTE (1): ALL WHMIS required information is included in appropriate sections based on the ANSI Z400.1-1998 format. This gas mixture has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR.
EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: This gas mixture is a colorless gas which is odorless. Hydrogen Cyanide (a component of this gas mixture) is an extremely toxic gas; even brief over-exposures to relatively low doses may have significant health consequences. Acute low-level exposure can cause symptoms such as cyanosis, headache, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, a feeling of suffocation and nausea. Additionally, releases of this gas mixture may produce oxygen-deficient atmospheres (especially in confined spaces or other poorly-ventilated environments); individuals in such atmospheres may be asphyxiated. SYMPTOMS OF OVER-EXPOSURE BY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE: The most significant route of over-exposure for this gas mixture is by inhalation, as well as eye and skin absorption. INHALATION: Due to the small size of an individual cylinder of this gas mixture, no unusual health effects from over-exposure to the product are anticipated under routine circumstances of use. The health hazards associated with this gas mixture are the potential for over-exposure to Hydrogen Cyanide (a component of this gas mixture) and oxygen displacement if this gas mixture is released in small, poorly-ventilated areas (i.e. enclosed or confined spaces). Hydrogen Cyanide is an extremely toxic gas. It is anticipated that, due to the low concentration (1-200 ppm) of Hydrogen Cyanide and the fact this gas mixture is quickly dissipated, employees will not be exposed to levels above those listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients). However, because Hydrogen Cyanide can produce significant health effects at relatively low levels, individuals using this gas mixture must be aware of the symptoms of over- exposure. Hydrogen Cyanide is a protoplasmic poison, combining in tissues with the enzymes associated with oxidation, thereby rendering oxygen unavailable to these tissues, and causing death by chemical asphyxiation. Exposure to low concentrations of this gas can cause headache, vertigo, irritation of the throat, difficulty breathing, reddening of eyes, salivation, nausea and vomiting. Chronic, low level exposure to Hydrogen Cyanide over long periods of time may lead to fatigue and weakness. Exposures to high concentrations of Hydrogen Cyanide gas produces symptoms including tachypnea (causing increased intake of cyanide), then dyspnea, weakness of arms and legs, paralysis, unconsciousness, convulsions and respiratory arrest. Exposure to 150 ppm for one-half to one hour may endanger life. In cases where the victim recovers, there is rarely any residual injury or disability. The action of Hydrogen Cyanide in cases of high concentration exposure is extremely rapid. Specific effects, based on the concentration of Hydrogen Cyanide, are presented below: CONCENTRATION OF HYDROGEN CYANIDE OBSERVED EFFECT 2-5 ppm Detectable odor threshold. 18-36 ppm Slight symptoms after several hours. 45-54 ppm Tolerated for 0.5-1 hour without immediate or delayed effects. 110-135 ppm Dangerous to life or fatal after 0.5-1 hour. 133 ppm Fatal after 30 minutes. 180 ppm Fatal after 10 minutes. 270 ppm Immediately fatal. NOTE: This gas mixture contains 1-200 ppm Hydrogen Cyanide. Data pertinent to higher concentrations of Hydrogen Cyanide are provided to give complete information on effects observed in humans after over-exposures have occurred. Additionally, under some circumstances, an oxygen-deficient environment may occur. Individuals breathing such an atmosphere may experience symptoms which include headaches, ringing in ears, dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting, depression of all the senses and death.
Does anyone have to state what the Nazis did with hydrogen cyanide in the concentration camps?
The Desperation of the Deep State
The Deep State is in big trouble. Their proxies, the Democratic Socialists cannot win in 2020. Hillary Clinton is returning to run for the office of the President. She definitely cannot win. The Deep State has sought to gain total control of the United States through the Democratic Party. The Deep State movement are dead in the water. Yes, the Deep State, through Bush/Obama holdovers still control much of the State Department, the leadership (GS-15+) DHS and FEMA, but they are stymied in their attempts to expand their power, although this is not going dissuade them from trying. Now we have the previously embedded UN forces, housed on abandoned US military bases, have reared their their ugly heads and theyare operationalized for action.
Hello Steve
1 Yes the order indeed signed and activated
2 we are also close to martial law as well
In The event of martial law Trump will remain president for the duration of the martial law
3 internally Whitehouse is on lockdown
4 no matter if you like or dislike Trump and his behaviors he is still legally the president
People should be very concerned about the situation in Washington DC everyone is going loco. GREAT time for the remnant to earnestly pray 2ND) ALERT: URGENT FLASH MESSAGE JUST WENT OUT TO ALL UN TROOP LOCATIONS IN THE USA CHANGING STATUS FROM WAITING TO FULL ALERT AND READY TO MOVE WITHIN MINUTES 3RD) ALERT,OTHER PARTS OF OUR MILITARY NOW ON HIGH ALERT 4.)The messages for the UN TROOPS indicate Nation wide with detailed orders to follow at activation, I expect the US.military to be divided.This is based on the prior behaviors of the different people in the joint chief's.... SQ-I ASKED HIM IF DATA ,INDICATES BANK CLOSINGS THIS WEEK ,HE SAID NO-NOT AT THIS TIME 4.) ALERT-- They are desperately trying to avoid a financial crash at this time.Banks stable so far. Fed is now upping the money being pumped into the banks to 150 billion per night beginning tomorrow.Oct 6, 2019
On the other hand, with the insurrection from the left ramping up, it is becoming increasingly clear that Trump is likely going to have to resort to martial law in order to keep the country from falling into a civil war. Therefore, there is competition for the control over FEMA camps.
A Deception
Last year, in Carlsbad, CA., I witnessed a massive protest near the beach on Highway 1 against Trump's policy of separating children from their illegal alien parents. The local news station said that the protest was organized by We all should know that means that George Soros is behind this deception. And we know from Soros' Calexit involvement, he is seeking to break apart the US. From a PR standpoint, I felt that Trump should have not separated children from their illegal alien parents because he gave his opponents ammunition. However, it is perfectly legal and expected. If I am pulled over and it is discovered that I have a simple user's amount of marijuana that the police officer discovers, do you think I am going to be separated from my children as I am arrested? When parents are arrested, they are automatically separated from their children. Why should illegal entry into the United States be any different? This is the rhetoric that is being used to polarize the country. Mad Max Waters and other liberals have taken to harassing and endangering government officials including White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders et al. Portland occupiers have taken over the ICE building in Portland where the mayor is helping the occupiers to facilitate the felonious take over. The mayor of Oakland is interfering in ICE activities. All across the country, the sides are being drawn and the country is headed for civil war. Trump has struck first. He has taken control of the FEMA camps as evidenced by the use of the Brownsville Walmart FEMA camp detention center to house illegal aliens. However, if Trump is defeated, or removed, or assassinated, the FEMA camps will revert to the control of the Deep State and this will produce America's darkest days. If this ever happens, this is likely what will follow.
Three Step Process for Total Tyrannical Control of the Population of the United States
When one examines the sum total of the meaning of various Executive Orders and administrative actions of FEMA and DHS, collectively, there emerges a clear picture of a three-step process to gain control of the population of the United States. The following has already been spelled out through Operation Cable Splicer, REX 84 and FM 39.4
Phase One
Not everyone's fate is determined when a communist/fascist coup takes over the government of the United States and suspends the Constitution. However, for some people, there exists the non-negotiable future of termination without due process. Decades ago, this is what Steve Quayle called the "Red List". Under Operation Rex 84 and Operation Cable Splicer, etc., there is a 3 step process to subjugate the American people. Stage One of the plot is particularly heinous. FEMA likes to use the term "disrupters" who will be terminated with extreme prejudice. These people will be gathered up and taken to a remote location and executed. They most often will be taken from their homes between 3AM and 4AM, which is what the Gestapo did, so as to not arouse the attention of the community and to lessen the possibility of increasing resistance. Along these lines, when a communist/fascist coup overtakes the government, Operation Cable Splicer/Garden Plot/Rex 84, will be in effect and FEMA and DHS will be in control (DHS was actually created and molded after the East German Stasi). The extreme actions of unwarranted arrests and mass executions are designed to remove the majority of the leadership or any resistance to the coup. I have recounted before on the website of The Common Sense Show, the story of my long-term friend, a FEMA counter-bioterrorism expert, who said if the the powers that be cannot quell the rising tide of populism (please note this was said in the Pre-Trump days of 2012), that millions would be gassed. My FEMA friend bugged out to a secure location with like-minded people from FEMA because they saw the writing on the wall. Further, this paralleled the story of Rosebud, brought forth by the Hagmann's, basically recounted the same intentions to "gas" the people in times of resistance to the new authority. How will FEMA deal with these resisters? It just so happens that it is being reported in multiple publications that FEMA just purchased 2,500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide from a Brazilian chemical manufacturer, Askell Quimica. In light of Operation Cablesplicer et al, which is still on the books, the purchase of hydrogen cyanide can only mean one thing. The following Executive Order demonstrates that the globalists have been planning these actions against the American for a very long time.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
DHS as been preparing for the resistance to the coming new authority for a long time. Under Operation Cable Splicer and Rex 84, all levels of government will be collapsed into one central authority and that centralized authority will be handed off to the global authority, presumably the United Nations or their proxy.
Phase Two
After the leadership of any potential resistance to the new authority is complete, Stage Two will be implemented. Stage Two will consist of the arrest of those not deemed to be in compliance with the new authority, as evidenced by belief systems or by overt actions. If you have wondered why the NSA finds is necessary to monitor every communication that you have, I just told you. There will be a two-tiered approach to the citizen roundups that will occur. First, as an aside, there has been much discussion about the need to promulgate a false flag attack(s). If one can get the population to view the new authority as a rescuer from certain death, then the resistance to the take over will be considerably lessened. However, there will be those that resist and they will be seized and sent to re-education camps. The public justification for the arrest will fall into two categories (1) criminal charges related to treason and sedition; and, (2) mental health conditions requiring long-term "inpatient" therapy. Back in 2008-9, I often reported on the importance of the DHS-created MIAC report. The MIAC report gives rise to the groups that are going to be sought out for "re-education". Those groups included, but are not limited to Christians, Ron Paul supporters (today that could be translated to Donald Trump supporters), supporters of the Constitution, Second Amendment supporters will be targeted in particular. This grainy video was leaded from a 2001 FEMA training session. The video clearly condemns the Founding Fathers as domestic terrorists.
This second group will be terminated if it is deemed that they cannot be re-educated. I have previously asked many of my sources how will they execute the millions that cannot be re-educated? I was told that that guillotines are the most efficient, but if they cannot keep up with demand, hydrogen cyanide will do quite nicely. There are a couple of ancillary facts that I have previously reported on that bears discussion at this point. The first account comes from the late FBI special informant, Larry Grathwohl, who penetrated the Weatherman Underground of Bill Ayers. The Weathermen Underground Leader, Bill Ayers, told former FBI Agent and informant, and my late friend, Larry Grathwohl, that he believed that when the Communist takeover happened, he would have to incarcerate 50 million Americans into re-education camps and exterminate 25 million of them. Larry was an FBI special informant who had penetrated the Underground and became a member in order to take down the organization by getting Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorne arrested. This is the part that I would play the video of Larry recounting what Ayers told him about future FEMA camps, but Youtube recently took down the video because it "violates Youtube's policy on hate speech".
This purchase(hydrogen cyanide) marks the third time in twelve months FEMA will have used foreign distributors to procure lethal items that could be used to maim or kill law-abiding Americans. In January, FEMA received a shipment of five hundred Chinese-made “smart guillotines,” and in March, they secretly ordered thousands of guillotine blades from a Mexican metal factory in Juarez.
Stage Three
Stage Three is ironic. It consists of the arrest of all collaborators and infiltrators who along with “economic disrupters” who will have their money confiscated, for it is estimated that half of the wealth in the USA is in their hands. In effect, this is where the transfer of wealth will take place. Along these lines, Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot, which are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose, will kick in and the monied class will arrested and many will be terminated. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. This should give serious pause for Wall Street to keep supporting the Deep State as they are targeted for brown shirt treatment.
We used to talk about FEMA camps as something that could be coming our way. FEMA camps are no on our doorstep and the only thing standing between FEMA camps and us, is Donald Trump. Please mark this down, many of the people, on the inside, that I speak with who are convinced that REX 84 will be immediately implemented if Trump is ever taken from office. The Deep State will do anything and everything to stop the spirit of populism. If you think that America will repeat the heinous crimes of Nazi Germany, they will, if the Deep State is allowed to prevail. FEMA is a rogue organization and the fact that they have ordered hydrogen cyanide should be a major concern to all. Oh, you don't think that they would do this? then ask yourself why would anyone call the Founding Fathers terrorists? Why would DHS have already 600 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition to go with their 2500 assault vehicles? Are they being sent to Afghanistan or are they going to be turned loose on the American people in support of the UN's intention to enact a regime change?
...planning this a long time.
Did anyone vote on all of this?
National Preparedness Month plus State & Local Initiaves
In reply to Fema by Professor Griff
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Dave Hodges
Only naivete would ACT,…