Biblically Identified Non-Human Entities Are Today's Ultimate Rulers, At Least In the Present! STEVE QUAYLE

.I recently interviewed Steve Quayle on the topic of non-human entities with regard to their ongoing "evil agenda", These entities are clearly labeled and identified in multiple locations in the Bible,
If your mind now drifts toward the topic of fallen angels, you would be somewhat correct. However, this topic is more comprehenisve than just the fallen angels. This interview comes close to exposing the full menu of these non-human entities that are having a major impact on the of end days.
This was one of the more fast-moving and informative interviews that has been conducted on The Common Sense Show in recent memory.
Steve Quayle Is hosting a video on demand conference and the details can be accessed by clicking here.
This conference is highly recommended by the CSS and Dave Hodges
Thank you for not being…
fallen angels
fallen angels
Steve Quayle Interview