The Long Awaited TET Offensive Designed to Destroy America Is Underway

As a point of historical reference, I want to briefly describe the TET Offensive unleashed by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army in 1968. The communists knew that they could never defeat the United States. However, they thought they could destroy the public support for the war. So, under the color of a truce, the communists attacked every single capital of every single province in South Vietnam. America was being lied to about the war's successes and this event exposed the lies and turned America against the war. The TET Offensive destablized America in 1968 and support for the Vietnam War diminished.
America is undergoing a current event similar to the 1968 TET offensive. The Floyd murder has provided the Deep State an excuse to perpetrate rioting across America with the intent of promoting a helter skelter race war designed to destablize the country. Terrorists have been flowing into America in great numbers. These other gorups will play a role in this phased attack upon America. The real enemy of America is communist China. And the main force behind the CHICOMS attack upon America will prove to be ISIS. Therefore, this article will focus its efforts in covering the ultimate ISIS threat against all Americans.
Phase One: The Response to the Floyd Murder Has Moved From Outrage to Preplanned, George Soros-Led Domestic Terrorism
What is happening all across the country with regard to the George Soros response to the Floyd murder is a well-coordinated terrorist plot that was lying in wait for the right event to unleash holy hell on America. As I have stated in a previous article, the Floyd riots are well-orchestrated and involve people other than outraged Minneapolis citizens. In a recent article, I documented how Candace Owens was reporting that the Minneapolis Police Chief stated that the people apprehended for arson, violence, etc., were not from Minneapolis. They agents of domestic terror. Later this morning, I am interviewing a media person who has information which states that the among the George Soros thugs present in riots all across the country, Soros has paid prisoners, released from Illinois prisons while using the convenient excuse that they were being protected from the COVID-19 virus. Why is nobody asking the question about who is now protecting us from these terrorist thugs?
This article will skip to the end of this TET Offensive plot and focus on ISIS as they will prove to be the driving force prior to the United States being invaded by China. Later articles will backtrack and expose other groups involved as well (eg Muslim Brotherhood, MS-13, HAMAS, etc).
I have written about this before in that I have believed for a long time that covert terrorist forces, both foreign and domestic, would launch a massive wave of terror across America which is designed to enhance America's downfall. I previously stated that I was convinced, that on a predetermined signal similar to the Viet Cong Tet Offensive, a coordinated and massive phased attack would be launched against the United States. What we have been witnessing up to this point, for the last several years are probing actions. ISIS and friends are testing our response times, the nature of our first response, etc. The Floyd murder is that predetermined signal which has set off the 2020 version of the TET Offensive.
In a couple of conversations spanning two weeks, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has encouraged me to recycle some of the investigative work I was doing 5-7 years ago regarding the terrorist forces that are going to be brought into play as a result of the Floyd murder. In a future article, I will be dealing the various phases that are and will be brought to bear against the American people. The pattern is distinctive and matches my prognostications from 5-7 years. In this article, I am going to review the very dangerous, national-security-threatening forces present in our country that are being put into play against the American people as I write these words. Make no mistake about it, we are at war. China, the Deep State and their partners in crime, the Democratic Party leadership (eg Obama, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, etc) are all behind this massive coup against America. Over the next several articles, the chain of custody over these terrorists, both foreign and domestic, will once-again, reveal that the Communist Chinese and their elitist partners (eg George Soros) are behind this attack and will be behind future attacks against America.
The Presence of ISIS
Before I review the case for stating that the ISIS will be the driving force behind America's total destabilization, I should mention that my interpretation of the data and the connecting of the dots is supported by a surprising force from someone who once played an important role in the Obama adminsitration. On July 4, 2016, Former and disgraced FBI Director, James Comey told the American people that there were ISIS cells in every single state. So, what follows is not conjecture, it is the unveiling of a plot to destroy our country and eliminate all civil liberties.
ISIS has already launched offensives against the people of the United States that then-president Obama and the MSM refused to recognize the events for what they were, a Fifth column invasion of the United States which will result in martial law followed by Red Dawn and eventually World War III against a purposely weakened America. I have written about this coming event for nearly 7 years.
I have not been alone in this prognostication of a TET offensive style of terrorist attack against America. Long-time CSS readers may recall that in late April of 2015, a Texas Ranger senior officer wrote to me and warned me that ISIS had enough manpower and equipment to launch a significant ISIS attack in Texas. Here is an excerpt to that communication:
“…The main reason that I am writing to you is to encourage you to keep writing on the growing threat of infiltration in Texas and I suspect other states as well. The infiltration I am writing about is not just Special Forces that are going to conducting covert drills in our state (EDITOR'S NOTE: REFERENCING JADE HELM 15 & 16). that is concerning and I agree with you this involves martial law. For now I am talking about ISIS and the danger that they pose to all of us. Our intelligence indicates that they have enough manpower & firepower to subdue a small town…”
There has even been confirmation from official government forces about the appearance of these 5th column forces in America going back 5 years. A notable Beta-test occured in Texas in 2015. The Laredo Morning Times reported that a Border Patrol helicopter was shot at and was struck on Friday evening near La Bota Ranch, according to Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar. Sheriff Cuellar said that out of the five shots, two were confirmed to have hit the helicopter. A Spokesperson for the Border Patrol, Sara Melendez, said the helicopter landed safely and no injuries were reported. It has not been confirmed if the shots were fired on the U.S. or Mexico side. A later Border Patrol statement says the crew of the Office of Air and Marine helicopter was patrolling the US-Mexico border near the banks of the Rio Grande. According to the Border Patrol, bullets hit the rite side of the aircraft and the rotor blade, which could have produced catastrophic results, but the pilot was able to land safely with no injuries to Border Patrol personnel. The MSM coverup instantly sprang into action as CNN reported that the shots came from inside of Mexico. Not so, according to my Border Patrol source. This was ISIS. The Border Patrol knew it and so did Obama who did nothing.
Even Judicial Watch got into the act when they learned, in April of 2015, of the presence of an ISIS camp eight miles from El Paso, TX. Judicial Watch connected ISIS to the Mexican drug cartel. Judicial Watch posted a series of domestic targets which were in the sights of ISIS at that time. Meanwhile, the government did nothing about this threat.
ISIS Poses a Direct Threat To National Security
In June of 2015, I reported on the CSS that Russian proxy forces, armed with Russian EMP technology are responsible for bringing down an F-16 piloted by an Iraqi general flying near the Mexican border. In this Beta test of new Russian technology. Russia fired the first shots of World War III. An Iraqi pilot who had been training in the United States for four years was flying an F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft that crashed in southern Arizona, a spokesman for the Iraqi defense minister said last Thursday. Brigadier General Rasid Mohammed Sadiq Hasan was alone in the F-16 Fighting Falcon when it went down during a training mission on Wednesday. The crash occurred near the Mexican border. At that time, I had two confidential sources, one who were on the inside, and another who has connections to those on the inside and they are both independently saying the same thing. “The crash of this F-16 plane was no accident”. The circumstantial evidence forms a “preponderance of the evidence” which supports the fact that Russia is ultimately responsible for the take down of this particular F-16. ISIS carried out the attack.
I reported on this in June of 2015 when it was publicly revealed that a localized and very crude EMP weapon is demonstrated here in this video. This is similar to what brought down the Iraqi General near Douglas, Arizona.
At that time, I also learned that Russia exported EMP weapons to North Korea in 2014, and this leads us into a very novel way to look at the recent crash of the F-16 at the Mexican Border. The interconnections between Russia, the known terrorist groups, the Mexican drug cartels and ISIS, it is easy to conclude that Russia is providing localized EMP weapons to more than just North Korea.
Even predictive programming is involved in localized EMP weapons which will be used in a later phase of this TET offensive against America as led by ISIS. On December 6, 2015, the TNT TV show, Agent X, portrayed a scene in which the Vice-President’s helicopter was brought down by a localized EMP gun. This was only 6 months after the downing of the Iraqi General's F-16 near the border. That means that this script was developed just before or after the event!
I have also previously reported that ISIS has now partnered with the CHICOMS with this technology as the Chinese military was granted control over many of the solar energy farms in the American Southwest. I have been criticized for my obsession with a potential Red Dawn invasion of the American Southwest led by CHICOM controlled forces. I still have strong reasons to believe that this strategy is still in play today. The current wave of terror, sparked by the Floyd murder, will eventually give way to an escalation of domestic terrorism (eg a TET Offensive type of events) and this will represent the softening up process against America as a prelude to a Red Dawn invasion. Still doubting this observation? Please allow me to review what I printed at the height of the Cliven Bundy standoff against the BLM on behalf CHICOM military interests and the Clinton Foundation.
Everyone remembers the Cliven Bundy standoff as being part of the BLM's theft of highly enriched uranium, in the Uranium One scandal, which it was. However, there was a much more nefarious purpose that involved the CHICOMs which is directly linked to the coming future attacks against American aircraft, both civilian and military. This development cannot be overstated because this will be a direct prelude to a CHICOM-led Red Dawn invasion.
The Bundy Affair Was Not Only About Uranium Sales to Russia by Hillary
The Bundy/BLM affair was also symbolic of this buildup. The solar energy deals that were put into place by Senator Harry Reid were done in conjunction with Chinese energy companies run by the Chinese military. All personnel manning these planned plants would be affiliated with the Chinese military. This includes the inland ports (e.g. Kansas City) which are controlled by the Chinese courtesy of the treasonous trade agreement we call NAFTA. As former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave tacit approval and participated in these actions which had their origins prior to her tenure as Secretary of State.
CALEXIT and the Chinese at Inland Ports
Cinta controls most of the solar energy farms in the West. But nowhere is this more prevalent than in Sacremento and Stockton. Cinta is a front for the Chinese military. Virtually all of the employees at the solar energy farm are Chinese soldiers who have gained a beachhead in the United States. California Governor, Jerry Brown, has included the Chinese and the Bank of China in the CALEXIT strategy meetings according to Paul Preston's embedded sources.
Let's make no mistake about this, this is an invasion force. Whether this will be part of a UN force or the Chinese, or the Chinese and the Russians, it is clear that the Chinese have been successful in establishing a beachhead in the lower 48.
The Bundy Ranch confrontation, along with many other unreported BLM land grabs on behalf of the Chinese are being carried out in preparation for a total resource hand off to the Chinese. My military sources as well as independent researcher, Vicky Davis once told me that a series of international “inland ports” are being created in conjunction with known mineral rich areas and control of these areas will be handed off to the Chinese. Further, the Chinese military will be stationed around these inland ports to ensure safety and security of the Chinese investment and its mining and geological personnel. The Chinese are doing this under the guise of creating solar energy, which they are. However, their energy companies are owned by the Chinese military. This will be the foothold of their invasion force. Further, solar zones are near planned international corridor highways (e.g. Canamex and NAFTA Super Highways) for easy transport of these soon-to-be mined mineral resources for shipping back to China. When the three pronged attack occurs, the American economy will be in chaos and the Chinese will be in the midst of acquiring vast mineral resources for which they have prepositioned their covert military assets in this country. Chinese troops will soon be a common occurrence on American soil. This will constitute only the beginning of the short-range take over the Chinese have planned for America. These Solar Energy Zones are appearing in multiple locations in such places as Southwestern Arizona, Barstow, CA. and Victorville, CA., and now I am receiving on the ground reports from Colorado and Utah as well. These designated Solar Energy Zones have very similar variables in common. The following chart indicates that the debt compensation will consist of complete control of the solar industry and will be expanded to other energy sources (e.g. hydroelectric and nuclear power). This practice has been happening in Indian reservations as well. But in all cases, the Chinese miitary is involved in some fashion. In addition to Paul Preston’s revelations about CALEXIT, he has stated on a prior interview on The Common Sense Show, that the inland ports of Stockton and Sacremento California are loaded with Chinese soldiers. Take a look at the following chart, do you think this is a coincidence or a conspiracy?
Chinese Solar on Bundy’s Ranch Arizona Solar Farm
Chinese money backing project | Chinese money involved in project |
Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone” | Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone” |
Located near a Canamex Highway (I-15) | Located near a Canamex Highway (1-10) |
Located near a major energy source (Hoover Dam). THINK TERRORISM | Located near a major energy source (Palo Verde Nuclear Plant). THINK TERRORISM |
Located near a major military base (Nellis AFB) | Located near a major military base ancillary facilities (Luke AFB) |
The Bundy affair was more about this issue than any other. The CHICOMS paid Harry Reid's son $5 million to set up the solar energy farm on the Bundy land. This represents the epitome of Obama and Clinton's treason against America. American aircover would be at risk just like the Iraqi General who as brought down by a portable EMP device. If that is not bad enough, think about the threat to civilian airliners!
The Naval Air Station, located near Yuma, AZ. is also part of this threat as is Davis-Monthan Air Force Base just south of Tucson where CHICOM controlled solar energy farms are in play.
Please note that any invasion of America’s Southwest underbelly would have to negate American aircover. Please note that these solar energy farms located adjacent or near American domestic airbases which could easily be negated with the Chinese soldiers on hand.
ISIS Involvement In America Opens the Door to Several Terrorist Groups Who Will Be Murdering Untold Numbers of Americans
In this article, I have presented the end game to the TET offensive being unleashed in America with the convenient excuse of the tragic Floyd murder by 4 members of the Minneapolis Police Department. However, this plot against America, led in the present moment goes a lot further than just the Soros led thugs unleashing rioting in Democratically controlled cities across America. It can accurately be said that we have a case of the knee bone being connected to the thigh bone…It has been admitted to in the main stream media, since 2007, that the Mexican drug cartels are openly involved in Middle Eastern terrorist groups. One of my DEA sources has implicated the Peruvian drug cartel, the Sanchez-Peredes cartel as the arms and drug supplier to the Sinoloa cartel. As an aside, who is connected to the Sinoloa Cartel? It is none other than Nancy Pelosi.
The Sanchez-Peredes get their arms from Hamas and are also tied into the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah (i.e. the CIA-created ISIS as exposed in detail by ARSOF’s Scott Bennett). It should be noted that Obama's half-brother, Malik Obama is the head of finance and arms procurement for the largest terrorist organization in the world, the Muslim Brotherhood, who were originally created by the Nazis to act as a 5th column against American forces in North Africa during WW II. I have covered on this platform how Hillary was part of the first company, La Farge, which supplied funding to ISIS in its development phase. I also covered how the late John McCain was responsible for leaving behind weaponry in Iraq, in violation of American law, and that weaponry conveniently fell into the lap of ISIS. This is a case of your tax dollars at work and soon this will be used against you because there will be nowhere that will be safe in America.
I should also mentione that it is well-known that Russia and Hamas are closely aligned as Russia has supplied the government of Syria with Russian weapons and used Hamas to deliver the weapons. This is where the shooting down of the F-16 gets very interesting. All of these groups are tied to ISIS. ISIS is the coordinator for what is coming.
Domestic terrorism will soon give way to more serious forces connected to this planned TET offensive event designed to destablize America. What we are seeing now is just the opening act for what is coming between now and the election. This is a total destablization event designed to promote regime change and the end of the Republic and your civil liberties as you know them.
Americans, as you watch your future go up in flames, please realiIn future articles, I will be analyzing all of the players in this plot. Further, I have constructed a likely phased approach to the terrorism which I will also identify.
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I hope it is true