America Has Been "COLONIZED" and Is Rapidly Approaching It's Final Destiny

I have written about the predictive programming of a former show called Colony. There is a show that is profiling where America is at and where it is going. This is called predictive programming and we should be paying attention.
I was recently going over my voluminous notes on the show Colony and realized how much farther we have come to realizing our future through this predictive programming dystopian story. I would like to share my horror and hope that it serves to wake people up.
There is a show formerly on Netflix, reruns still available, that I believe shows us our collective futures. The parallel between this show's plot and its similarities between the martial law and continuity of government documents is stunning. And in my bones, I feel that this production is much more than just another TV show. In a dystopian, not too distant future LA, a couple, Katie and Will Bowman live with two of their three children under a military/martial law regime which is the most brutal martial law military occupation by an organization.
The Storyline
An ET force called the "Hosts", successfully invaded the Earth. The ET's are NOT part of the show and should not even be in the story line for all intents and purposes. The show focuses on human collaborating forces of enslavement. It is said of them that "no one ever sees them (ET's)". The Hosts have built an enormous wall, around 30 stories tall, several meters thick, and many miles in length, which surrounds the central part of Los Angeles, where the series is set. No travel is permitted between the regions of the world, called blocs, and this is one of themes of any martial law regime, real or of Hollywood origin.
The geographical extent of the alien invasion is unclear, but it is presumably worldwide. The occupying forces shown to the viewers are all human and enforce their occupation via black-and-red-uniformed militarized police, nicknamed the "Red Hats" and they are armed with automatic weapons and travel in DHS style armored personnel carriers. The Red Hats are today's George-serving Soros' Antifa and members of the Democratic Party.
These Red Hats, along with a privileged class of elites, called the "Proxies", the global elite of today, were all drawn by the Hosts from the local population, and are thus denigrated by some of those they control as "Collaborators". It is unclear how the Red hats were initially organized or equipped. They may be staffed by members of what was the Department of Homeland Security and/or FEMA.
It occurred to me that the “red hats” are today’s Democrats, turned CHICOM traitors. The ET’s are actually the UN’s CHICOMS as they are occupying America.
The Ultimate In Martial Law- Predictive Programming
The variables, which are a part of the show and make up the nature of the extreme martial law that we see in the show and are part of our growing level of enslavement. The following elements of this show, should quickly get your attention. This is the best in predictive programming.
1-No travel between regions.
The National ID Card is set to be required as a prerequisite for travel. I am told that the new ID cards will look for anything to prevent travel on public transportation. This is precisely what the Communist Chinese are doing under the direction of Google’s technology and it is being implemented here in America. In the former USA, the Covid travel passport would replace this notion.
2- Family members of the resistance are executed.
We certainly have not seen this carried out in the present. However, I detailed how Jade Helm 16 practiced this very scenario.
3-Random Checkpoints and frequent electronic identity check.
Every intersection is becoming a data gathering point. The car is recorded along with the facial recognition software being used to identify the car’s driver and occupants. This is a work in progress. Remember, everything you do is catalogued from keystrokes to words spoken near a spying electronic device.
4-No cars- citizens must walk or ride bikes.
Have you been paying attention to the campaign positions of key Democratic figures such as Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker who all promise to eliminate the private ownership of cars? It is called Agenda 2030 and it being implemented right under Biden’s Alzheimer nose.
5- Slave Labor Camps.
I reported several weeks ago, according to a Federal official, that makeshift FEMA camps are being constructed outside of Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin. If they are for the massive hordes of illegal aliens, why are the illegal aliens being sent inland to several American cities? As rent eviction prohibitions have been declared unconstitutional what is going to happen to the 10 million Americans who, on average are 4 months behind on their rent. It’s called Soylent Green.
6-Propaganda centers.
This one is easy. Just say CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and all social media monopolies that Trump refused to do anything about.
7-Selective eugenics- medical conditions (eg diabetes) are not deemed worthy of treatment by the hosts and people waste away as they often die very agonizing deaths. And, of course, COVID was the perfect patsy to roll in the police state as a prelude to genocide.
Simple question in response to this: How many states are attempting to pass genocidal euthanasia for the ill and how many more states are allowing extreme late term abortions?
8-Host provided drones brutally enforce laws and execution is administered for minor infractions.
Representative Omar has been outraged over America’s use of drones to “kill civilians” in our foreign wars of occupation. Are they merely practicing for us?
9-Forced disappearances.
There are no known cases that I am aware of. However, why would the government pass the NDAA, which allows exactly this to happen, if they one day were not going to act upon the illegitimate authority behind this law? IN THE SHOW, RULES VIOLATORS ARE EITHER IMMEDIATELY EXECUTED OR THEY ARE SENT TO THE "FACTORY". The Factor is a slave labor camp in orbit around the earth and the participants are systematically starved to death while performing slave labor. This would parallel Executive Order 13603, courtesy of Obama.
10-Diet and calorie restrictions are enforced-coffee and liquor are extremely rare among the general population.
This is called using food as a weapon. Commissar Bill Gates has dictated that we will not consume meat. What do people think is going to happen with the extreme weather that has destroyed farming in the Midwest. And, God forbid, the Oroville Dam breaks, the entire agricultural rich Central Valley region of California will be rendered useless. Can you say famine and do you want to eat? Then come to our camp.
11-No internet or cells phones are allowed as they could be used to start a revolution.
We already know that when martial law is implemented, the Internet and cell phone use will be taken away.
12-Extreme electronic surveillance.
We are all being profiled every second of every day. What could they possibly be profiling us for? Look at #`13 for the answer.
13-In season 2, it was revealed that each bloc is not a slave labor colony, but eventually all humans will be made extinct (ie depopulation). The series begins less than a year after the beginning of the Occupation. Life is a living hell. The implied, but never overtly stated is that "resistance is futile" and always fatal to those who resist as well as to their family members. THIS IS WHERE THE COVID VACCINES MEET FOOD AS A WEAPON FOR THE ULTIMATE DOUBLE WHAMMY UPON AMERICA!
The net effect is that the human colony is on a parallel path. Soon, forced debilitating vaccines will meet food as a weapon strategies and it will all happen under the most extreme police state. And this is all foretold on the former predictive programming show, Colony. This is the end of humanity and the ushering in of transhumanism. This is where entertainment meets the future. It is called predictive programming.
I started watching that show…
Yeah, it's all happening…
Scary but on target
America has been colonized
Its already happening Dave
Outstanding Article