Why Is Humanity Marching Straight Into the Gates of Hell?

Bill Gates is the enemy of all that is decent. Bill Gates is a Fallen Angel’s best friend. Why in name of God are we following Gates to our own demise?
Gates of Hell
Bill Gates wants to eliminate meat from your diet.
Bill Gates backs the destruction of humanity as we know it through the implementation of transhumanism.
Bill Gates seeks to use food as a weapon against the people.
Bill Gates seeks to make his mandatory vaccines mandatory as he enforces the inability to buy or sell among the noncompliant.
Bill Gates dominates the education industry through his forced use of Microsoft computers in learning-destroying-environments such as Common(unist) Core.
Bill Gates is not a doctor!
Bill Gates is not a nutrionist!
Bill Gates is not a certified educator!
Bill Gates is not a qualified medical administrator!
Bill Gates is not a politician, yet members of Congress walk in fear of him!
Bill Gates is not a medical researcher, yet his forced polio vaccines have crippled hundreds of thousands of children in the third world.
Bill Gates is not a pulmonologist but he is getting people from DeBlasio to Fauci to enforce the wearing of multiple facemasks at the same time.
Bill Gates is not a population demographer or expert, yet he thinks his kind has the right to limit your reproductive capability.
Bill Gates is certainly not a moralist, yet he supports the industry that has murdered tens of millions of babies.
Bill Gates is not God, yet he thinks he has the self-appointed right to reduce the population of the earth by 95%.
Bill Gates is not technically a member of the Nazi Party, yet, it is his policies of medical martial law that will bring genocide to our shores all in the name of promoting the great good.
Let’s take a more detailed look at Bill Gates in certain critical areas.
Meatless America Equals Soy Boys Domination
He backed a startup that makes fake meat from plant substitutes, which was later responsible for the "impossible burger".
According to the company Impossible Foods, substituting meat could have a positive impact on the environment.
Bill Gates on his website notes the following: "Animal agriculture uses 30 percent of all land, over 25 percent of all freshwater on Earth, and creates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all of the world’s cars, trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes combined". So, under the phony banner of climate change, Gates is going to systematically starve you to death!
The Latest Assault Upon Humanity’s Food Supply and Diet
In effect, Gates has made no secret of the fact that his love for Big Macs and fries runs in the face of what he implementing worldwide, no beef! In fact, Gates admits that he regularly fills up on McDonald's junk food when he's on the road getting governments to begin enforcing his deadly and crippling vaccines, cementing his Microsoft monopoly over schools and government or he is moving to control your diet. Many schools across the country are eliminating diet from their lunch menus, courtesy of Bill Gates. Gates has become the number one owner of farmland in America and is still rapidly expanding his grip over the farmlands of America. If one cannot see that food will soon be used as a weapon against the people, in order to gain compliance, then society is not paying attention to the clear motives of Bill Gates.
Ask yourself, what is the main source of protein in the American diet? It is none other than meat. However, biceps and strong men are not allowed in the world of sissified men. In fact, in the New World Order there is no room for real men. Just as the Democrats want to fine toy retailers for segregating boy’s toys from the girls, Gates is part of a Satanic cabal that seeks to blur the distinction between male and female. In his world, there is no room for masculinity. Take a long look at Bill Gates. Even at my advanced age, he would be the one person that I would not be afraid to meet in a dark alley in the wrong part of town.
Gates is convincing governments to make his deadly coronavirus vaccine mandatory or one cannot buy of sell. Gates is a Satanist that backs the anti-creationist ideology of transhumanism. He is an ardent depopulation advocate. He has employed Fauci and Birx and we have seen the devastation as each traitor to the medical profession proceeded to destroy our economy, destroy mental health, produce record numbers of suicides particularly among the youth and has broken the will and resolve of the American people.
Why is anyone following Gates to their own demise?
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Short Answer: Because He's Rich
Why is humanity
Bill Gates.
The grammar and spelling guy strikes again!
Why Is Humanity Marching Straight Into the Gates of Hell?
Why is humanity
Gates of Hell