Biden Continues to Line Up Foreign Assets On American Soil to Prevent the Military From Prventing the Destruction of America

Britain has shifted sides. A clear opposition to the Biden administration exists in the military. We have a divided military. The alliances for the purpose of fighting WW III, are taking clear form. This article will shed light in what is going on.
Sam Honnold is a refugee from the Biden administration. He has a bad habit, he tells the truth and now that truth has come home to roost.
Over two months ago, and prior to the Marxist stream media reported on this, Honnold revealed the following to me in a message dated June 15, 2021:
I have a breaking story on the intent to start a war with Russia, the Biden-Putin summit tomorrow (really tonight) and the three destroyers sent into the inescapable waters of the Black Sea. One is US, one European, one British (the last two members of the HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier strike group). These are sacrificial lambs to inflame the Western World when Russia sinks them.
This event was clearly provocative and was designed to help start a war between Russia versus the UK and the United States. The Queen was complicit in this plot and seemed willing to start a war on behalf of the globalists. However, and as will be revealed, the Queen was double-crossed by the Rothschild cartel and things began to change dramatically. This was almost two weeks prior to any mention of this development in the mainstream media. This information was broadcast on our TV outlet, The Common Sense Show.Tv.
Suddenly on July 4, 2021, and without any significant warning, the HMS Queen Elizabeth sailed to Cypress on the way to India. The Queen has the ability to communicate directly with the ship’s Captain and she ordered to the carrier task force to leave the shores of Ukraine and eventually ended up joining forces with the USS carrier, JFK. Their location was off the coast of India. And what was India doing? The Indian military had stationed 250,000 combat troops on their common border with China. The relocated task force was providing air and sea support for these Indian troops.
In support of Indian defense efforts, Japan did their part in checkmating any Chinese intention on invading Taiwan. On July 26, 2021, the East Asia publication reported the following developments:
…Japan has in recent months hinted it would aid in any Taiwanese defense against China…
…an annual Japanese defense white paper in mid-July calls Taiwan important to domestic and international security for the first time, and it adds that “it is necessary that [Japan] pay close attention to the situation with a sense of crisis more than ever before.”
China retorted that Japan was interfering in Chinese internal affairs...
Clearly, the support of the Japanese was needed because the anti-Biden, now considered rogue American naval forces were stretched thin with their support of India. Japan helped to fill the void in the defense of Taiwan. South Korea eventually joined Japan’s side with regard to their intent to aid in the defense of Taiwan. These developments speak volumes. Biden would never go against China. This clearly demonstrates that Biden is rejected by most Asian governments. And after the way that Biden betrayed Afghanistan and our own citizens, who could blame them?
This development leads to a number of interesting questions. First, anyone who knows anything about the Biden crime family knows that they are extensively blackmailed by China. Do these actions sound like the Asian based US Navy is on board with the Biden administration? Before you answer, consider that the CSS has already reported on the following in the past several months:
- Biden does not have the nuclear football. In fact, upon learning that the military would not surrender the nuclear codes to Biden, Pelosi demanded the codes as well. These events occurred just prior to Biden’s coronation.
- Biden does not control the submarine fleet, parts of the surface navy (obviously the ships that are off the coast of India and are in the South China sea), the Space Force, the Marine Corps and much of the Army.
Biden would never support an action that went against China. These elements are the rogue forces not subjecting themselves to the control of Biden. Nobody in these branches of the military would either. Interestingly, Biden fired the head of the Space Force and nothing changed in relation to the agency's relationship with Biden. It is repeatedly and strongly rumored that Biden is not even welcome at the Pentagon, despite having the support of Milley. Milley does not have the overall support of the military and many of their command officers. They understand the Chinese end game and the leadership knows that they will all be executed in the event of a United Nations takeover of the United States under the premise of peace-keeping which would more than likely follow a massive false-flag attack with many casualties. The Chinese would lead the UN contingent and, as stated, these American officers understand their eventual fate.
Adding fuel to this fire is what has happened at the former US naval base at Norfolk, VA. NATO has taken over the base with the blessing of Biden and Milley.
There is not one reason why a European based military power (ie NATO) would need to establish a MAJOR base of operations within the United States. It makes no sense until one considers that many NATO forces participated in Jade Helm 15 and 16 at Michigan’s Camp Grayling under the auspices of serving UN interests. Yesterday, I published video from that activity that clearly demonstrated that war games were being conducted against the US military by international troops, under the control of the United Nations. This is why the foreign troops are here. Biden knows that the military will not go alongwith the subjugation of the United States.
Along with yesterday’s story, it was revealed that approximately 500 Chinese troops, all speaking perfect English arrived at Camp Grayling and is training in the art of FEMA camp incarceration. This is why the Chinese speak perfect English. Only Milley and Biden could authorize such an action. Nobody ever asks why so much of the military is outside the control of the Biden administration. Don’t you think the military knows why NATO is in our country? Don’t you think the military knows that Biden plays on the Chinese team? We have divided military.
These events have been known since last Tuesday (9/1/21) when Paul Preston contacted me with news of the allowed Chinese incursion and this event has been confirmed. By the way, Camp Grayling is a FEMA camp training site along with a mock American town used for assault training by foreign (UN) troops. Now we are clearly seeing the UN lining up NATO to funnel foreign troops into the country in preparation to oppose the US military. Are you beginning to connect the dots? These are the forces that will confiscate your guns and place select Americans (eg resisters to the vaccines, Trump supporters, Christians, White males) in FEMA concentration camps.
Now, there is still one question that is unanswered. Why did the Queen apparently switch sides? We know the answer to that question. The Queen is no longer on the side of the globalists. We also know why that is true. And we also know that because of rebellion against the Rothschild cartel, the Queen’s death is already being planned for and we can prove that as well. These issues will be the subject of the next part in this series.
The Great Fall of Amerika
Camp Grayling
QE2's death may be a…
Great article
America do not give up your arms!