The $44 Trillion Woman Is Worried About a $5 Billion National Security Measure


Ocasio Cortez , the Congressional elect that wants the government to own your business, take over airports and abolish ICE, can't remember what neighborhood she grew up in, and now, she cannot remember what political party she's in.  She recently advocated for free Medicare for all and bunch of other social justice programs that would total  $44 trillion. And now, she's telling you that you do not security from terrorists and criminals who are streaming across our border. She's OK with MS-13 and ISIS coming into your neighborhood. This $44 trillion woman is opposed to spending $5 billion to protect America from people who have bad intentions for our country. In fact, Ocasio Cortez wants to wipe out the country as she stands as an excellent example that liberalism is a mental disorder and most are actually dumber than a box of rocks. Here is the story...