America's Date With Genocide (Part 2)

Part One

This is the second and final part of the application Stanton's eight stages of genocide to the present environment in America. The first four stages were covered in Part One. Stages 5-8 are identified here.

Stage 5-Polarization

"Genocide proceeds in a downward cycle of killings until, like a whirlpool, it reaches the vortex of mass murder".

Violence begets violence. Most of the time, the murders of one group are followed by revenge killings. However, the stronger side (ie the government) prevails and the killings begin in earnest. Early in the process the killings are aimed at the resistance who oppose the new regime and this is best characterized by the systematic elimination of moderates who would slow the progress of the new regime. Subsequently, the first to be murdered in the unfolding genocide are the leaders of the resistance. In today's world, the perpetrators would be the social media tech giants. They are not murdering people, yet, because they do not fully control the government. However, they are seeking the elimination of all philosophical resistance. And they seek to polarize the contrasting philosophies through radical alienation and systematic polarization. In today's social media, one risks getting banned for expressing views of Christianity, conservatism and support of America and her citizens. Social media is presently burning books, so to speak. And where they burn books, they will soon burn people.

  Even the family members have something to worry about as in Rwanda, the violent extremists targeted BOTH moderate leaders and their families.

Stage Six-Preparation

"Preparation for genocide includes identification. Lists of victims are drawn up. Houses are marked. Maps are made."

After national ID cards are issued, the businesses are branded and destroyed (social media censorship). In America, we are seeing the early signs that white, male Christians will be targeted as evidenced by incessant rhetoric from the left with regard to this group. White professors who do not espouse extremist leftist ideology are driven from their tenured positions. We have several Soros groups calling for the open murder of whites. Stanton states the following regarding this stage:

In its most extreme form, it even includes construction of extermination camps, as in Nazi-ruled Europe, or conversion of existing buildings – temples and schools – into extermination centers in Cambodia. Transportation of the victims to these killing centers is then organized and bureaucratized.

To my long-term readers, how many articles have I written about American FEMA camps, with documentation (eg FM 39.4)? How many articles have I talked about with regard to the conversion schools, malls and stadiums into FEMA camps? The trap has been set and the path is unfolding. Stanton goes on to say the following:

Preparation also includes expropriation of the property of the victims. 

I have personal experience with this unfolding trend in America. When John McCain and his band of merry globalists tried to confiscate the property of myself and 300 neighbors, South African style, this inadvertently launched my media career as I led the resistance of my neighbors against this tyranny behind the Central American Free Trade Agreement and the subsequent Canamex Highway. If the liberals had been totally in charge of the government when this started in 2004, our 300 families would have been exterminated in the same fashion as to what happened  in Rwanda. And if it could happen to me, it could happen to you.

Stage Seven- Extermination

The seventh step is the execution step literally and figuratively. It is often called the final solution. It is mass extermination. these previously dehumanized people are genocided and then taken out with the garbage. It is not murder, because the victims are not considered human. The Holocaust, the Stalin purge, the Mao bloodbath, the Rape of Nanking, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia and the soon-to-be genocide in South Africa, are prime examples of this philosophy. Methods of mass murder are perfected and carried out with impunity.


"Every genocide is followed by denial. The mass graves are dug up and hidden. The historical records are burned, or closed to historians."

During the genocides, the reports of the events are dismissed as rumors and propaganda. the complied death lists are categorized as “unconfirmed” or “alleged”. This is because the reports do not originate from official sources (eg CNN, ABC). The social media purge of conservatives is not just about censorship, it is about covering up genocide after the fact. When the communists actually take over, the real purge will begin. And as the man who launched Obama's political career proclaimed to FBI undercover special informant, Larry Grathwohl, "we will have to murder 50 million people".


In the near-future of America, the death march of liberalism is not just about ending Christian conservatism, it is the murder Christian conservatives, their families, their religion and their families. This is a prerequisite to the ushering in of the transhumanism era and that spells the ultimate genocide, the end of humanity as we know it.

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***Major Announcement***

Stay Tuned, Dave Has Accepted An Offer From a Major Podcast Company to Broadcast His Daily Interviews and Commentary. CONTRACTS ARE SIGNED AND COMMENCEMENT IS ONLY DAYS AWAY- A Public Announcement Will Be Made In the Near Future.



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