The Common Sense Show is dedicated to peaceful, non-violent social and political change.

California to Exit America- Paul Preston and Dave Hodges

CSS-Offical-New-Logo2 expat 1 It is one thing for a person to expatriate. But what happens when a state is preparing to leave the Union? California is leaving America, only with a twist. They are doing so with the help of the Communist Chinese. Governor Brown is financing Calexit with the Bank of China. This is a convoluted web of deceit and corruption and it is all sorted out in the following the video.   NOTICE:Please note that The Common Sense Show no longer uses google because of its violation of free speech and its anti-trust actions against those who bring the public the truth. We strongly recommend people use “goodgopher” as their permanent search engine. Additionally, Facebook is also behind this move to censor what you read, hear and see.Therefore, we recommend you try for your social media outlet. 
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just found your website,,,, the kalergi pan european by the nutter richard von couden hove in 1922 the genocide of the white races and replace us with africans and asians mus@@@s to out breed us tony blair and angela merkel got the charlemagne prize to implement this evil plan, dont let it happen ,,fight back please


I would like proof of this information if possible. Not everyone believes this. EDITOR'S NOTE: CALEXIT AND THE STATE OF JEFFERSON HAS BEEN WIDELY COVERED- USE SEARCH ENGINE GOODGOPHER.COM


What happened to "we the people" having a say in what Governor Brown decides he wants to do? I say if it's brown---flush it down!


No lose will drop into ocean soon in any case.


I see you are recommending 'goodgopher' as a search engine. Have you tried duckduckgo? We've been using it for about 4 years and it is fast and has more info on it than google...and doesn't follow you around. It's worth a try: duckduckgo. (I know it's a strange name...I can't help that. Please try it!!!


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About the Author

dave hodges

Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty. 



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