It’s now abundantly clear that rogue Robert Mueller will not end his Gestapo-like rampage until someone stops him



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Fran Spielman @fspielman

Source says feds showed up this am, asked everyone to leave and put brown paper on the doors.

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Now we ask, just how important is this man to Mueller’s “Russian collusion” investigation? The Hill reports that Burke did some property tax work for the president for more than 10 years.  Doing what, you ask? What any self-respecting billionaire businessman would do: Finding ways to legally reduce his tax burden, The Hill noted: Burke’s law firm of Klafter & Burke has worked with Trump’s companies repeatedly to reduce the property tax that Trump Tower and his other properties in Chicago have had to pay, according to the Sun-Times. Over his 12 years working for Trump, Burke was allegedly able to cut the property taxes on the downtown tower by more than $14 million.

The Cohen factor

The paper noted that Burke ended his business relationship with the Trump organization earlier this year, citing “irreconcilable differences” in letters that were filed with Illinois state property tax officials. And this is the guy — and the investigation — that Flake wants to protect, though by no means is he the only retiring #neverTrump RINO (we’re looking at you, Paul Ryan) who wants to ensure that Mueller is free to continue harassing the president long after they are gone.  The raid on Burke’s office came the same day that another former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump Tower project in Moscow. ABC News reported: According to court documents, Cohen admitted that he made the misstatements about the “Moscow Project” – the Trump Organization’s efforts to “pursue a branded property in Moscow” in an August 2017 letter to the House and Senate intelligence committees, which were conducting inquiries into alleged collusion and Russian interference. In court, Cohen admitted that he made the false statements “to be consistent with Individual 1’s political messaging and to be loyal to Individual 1,” Cohen told the judge. Individual 1 was believed to be Trump, based on the description in court documents. The president responded by calling Cohen “weak” and a “liar.” So, too, did POTUS attorney Rudy Giuliani, who added, “With regard to the hotel proposal in Moscow, the President has been completely open and transparent.” (Related: Fake News Central CNN is IGNORING its fake report regarding Michael Cohen’s bogus Trump Tower claims.) The deal never did go through, by the way, because the Trump Organization deemed it economically unfeasible. Some “collusion.” The fact is, Mueller’s rogue investigation will continue without end until someone with authority ends it. If the attorney general won’t do it, only the occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can.

Read more about Robert Mueller’s corrupt mission to derail the Trump presidency at

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