Obama's Last Resort

It is interesting how art imitates life. The similarities between the new ABC hit show, The Last Resort and its similarities to the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi are remarkable. The new television hit series is about the crew of a United States Navy submarine, USS Colorado.  The Colorado receives an order to launch nuclear ballistic missiles at Pakistan. When Colorado 's commanding officer, Captain Marcus Chaplin asks for confirmation of the firing order, because they were received through an obscure secondary communication channel, only to be used in the event that Washington D. C. had already been destroyed. Chaplin responds to the order:

"I’m sittin’ here watching Hannah Montana, so I’m not going to annihilate 4.3 million Pakistanis without hearing directly from someone whose authority I recognize.”

Captain Chaplin

Captain Chaplin is subsequently relieved of command by the Deputy Secretary of Defense. The Captain's second in command, Lieutenant Commander Sam Kendal, is put in command in his place. Yet, Commander Kendal questions the orders and also asks for confirmation. Promptly,  the submarine is fired upon by the USS Illinois. Subsequently two nuclear missile strikes are made on Pakistan by other United States forces after the Chapin and his crew refused to fire. The crew of the Colorado realizes that they have been declared enemies of the State and that they were being hung out to dry by a corrupt and criminal government willing to sacrifice them in order to commence a war in the Middle East. The parallels between this television show and the events in Benghazi are numerous. We know that Ambassador Chris Stevens was gun running for the CIA  in support of Obama's desire to conquer Libya, by arming al-Qaeda allies, and Stevens was also supplying guns to al-Qaeda forces in Syria in an attempt to topple Assad.  Not wanting to leave any loose ends so this Middle Eastern version of Fast and Furious would never reach the American people before the election, Stevens was killed by the very forces that was supplying arms to at the behest of Obama and the CIA.  Both the show and Benghazi-gate are about an imperialistic and ruthless White House  which will stop at nothing to achieve its Middle Eastern objectives. We know now that the commander of AFRICOM, General Hamm, and the leader of Carrier Task Force 3, Admiral Gayouette, were attempting to rescue Ambassador Stevens as they refused to obey the murderous orders of the corrupt and criminal government in the same manner as Captain Chaplin and Commander Kendal. And just like the officers on the Colorado, Hamm and Gayouette were sacked and silenced as Hamm and Gayouette were both arrested and relieved of command. Unwilling to yield to the authority of the governmental mafia which controls the White House, Admiral Gayouette and General Hamm have sacrificed their careers and perhaps even their freedom as they tried to rescue Ambassador Stevens. Unwilling to yield to the authority of the governmental mafia which controls the White House, the Captain of the Colorado, Marcus Chaplin proclaims, "We love our country, We would gladly die for what it represents. But we do not recognize or obey a government that tries to murder its own." Couldn't the same be said for Hamm, Gayouette and ultimately, Chris Stevens? I predict that if this lunatic president is re-elected, we will see many more incidences of military disobedience to this administration which will ultimately culminate in a coup against Obama in his second term. Perhaps, plans for a definitive coup may already be in the works. Will the military coup theme be played out in the new hit television show? Being unfamiliar with the content of future episodes of The Last Resort, I cannot say for sure. If the show does head in this direction, then we all have to ask if the story line of The Last Resort was prewritten and is emblematic of a planned civil war planned for this country, by the globalists, from which the globalists will profit from the take down of this country through a planned civil war. Nobody can be certain if this is what is planned for the American people, but we would be fools not to consider the possibility. I am, however, certain of one thing; if this country, by hook or crook, allows Obama a second term, the American people are looking at a very bleak future and another timely quote from The Last Resort could ultimately prove to be very prophetic:

We’re all dead. You just don’t know it yet.” –Private Karofsky