Will It Be President Pelosi That Delivers America to the Globalists On a Platter?


Nancy Pelosi is going to be the next Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi is only 2 beats away from the Presidency and the complete liberal control of the government. Events are moving quickly to ensure that there will be a complete regime change before the next election. Why the urgency? Trump must be stopped. Please consider the following from the AP as originally reported in the New York Times:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump told his counsel's office last spring that he wanted to prosecute political adversaries Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director James Comey, an idea that prompted White House lawyers to prepare a memo warning of consequences ranging up to possible impeachment, The New York Times reported Tuesday. Then-counsel Don McGahn told the president he had no authority to order such a prosecution, and he had White House lawyers prepare the memo arguing against such a move, The Associated Press confirmed with a person familiar with the matter. McGahn said that Trump could request such a probe but that even asking could lead to accusations of abuse of power, the newspaper said....

There are a couple of items of note in this passage.  First, it is disturbing that Hillary can still walk free even though her 33,000 crimes (emails) are undisputed and political persecution is her shield against prosecution. Second, the flipping of Rosenstein signals a new strategy that Trump is going to employ to get at Clinton et al. Third, Nancy Pelosi's apparent ascension to the Speaker of the House is apparently part of the plot to stop Trump from going after key members of the Deep state (eg Clinton, Comey, etc.). Fourth, Putin and Trump must be kept apart diplomatically.  The globalists must have their war of planetary unification and that means that Russia and the US must fight a war. Deep State prosecutions and an alliance with Russia would put an abrupt end to this plot. Along these lines, the CSS has learned from more than one insider source that President Trump has established a back channel set of communications with Putin and these communications are the only reason why the two nations have not already gone to war, despite the best efforts of the Deep State and their globalist masters to do so. There was a recent secret conference held between John Bolton, Mike Pence and Putin. This sent shock waves through the ranks of the globalists.

The globalists are pursuing a course of action that will remove Trump from power. However, they no longer want Pence to assume the reigns of the Presidency as was the original plan. That means that Pence is in real trouble as well. Why? Because after Trump and Pence who is next inline for the Presidency?  A  would-be President Pelosi holds the key to the Deep State completely taking over the government. Some are saying that Pelosi has not even secured the position of Speaker of the House, yet. Well, that all just changed. Pelosi's main competition, Representative Fudge from Ohio (D),  suddenly and mysteriously dropped out of contention for the coveted position of Speaker.

From the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge, the top potential rival to Nancy Pelosi for House speaker, dropped out of the running Tuesday, delivering a blow to efforts to topple the California Democrat. Fudge announced her decision just as Pelosi said she was naming the Ohio congresswoman as incoming chair of a newly revived elections subcommittee that will delve into voting rights access, a top priority of the new Democratic majority...

The path has been set to pursue action against Trump AND Pence and pave the way for President Pelosi to lead us down what would have been the Hillary Clinton path of World War III, political purges and World War III.

The Order of Succession

Before going forward with these stunning revelations, it is important to establish the order of succession to the Presidency should Trump be rendered unfit to serve in the capacity of President. The means of succession could take a number of forms. The President could be resign, be assassinated, or impeached and convicted.


The President of the United States.

First In Line but No Longer Wanted by the Liberals

Pence played his globalist role well but was totally for the TPP. He is my modern day version of LBJ.." Pence was for Obamacare.. Now we know that Pence actually created a PAC to run for President in 2020. What has Pence been promised? But something has changed. Pence, despite being next in line for the Presidency, has changed his tune and started to support Trump. Why?The involvement of Pence, acting on behalf of the President, seems to violate what I have known to be true since the period immediately following the election of Trump. Amazingly,Pence actually took out his own Presidential PAC to run for President in 2020 only weeks after becoming the Vice President. Wasn't it Trump that should have the PAC and it should be Pence that supports him?

The New York Times Exposes Pence’s Disloyalty to Trump

Trump’s disloyalty is on full display in a recent New York Times article. From the New York Times

“….The centerpiece of the effort is a string of dinners held every few weeks at the vice president’s official residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory in Washington. Mr. Pence and his wife, Karen, have presided over at least four such soirées, and more are in the works. Each has drawn roughly 30 to 40 guests, including a mix of wealthy donors such as the Chicago hedge fund manager Kenneth C. Griffin and the brokerage firm founder Charles Schwab, as well as Republican fund-raisers and executives from companies like Dow Chemical and the military contractor United Technologies. The guests and their families collectively donated or helped raise millions of dollars to support the Trump-Pence ticket in 2016, and some are viewed in Republican finance circles as likely supporters for two new groups created to advocate for Mr. Trump, Mr. Pence, their legislative agenda and congressional allies. The dinner guest lists were curated in part by two of Mr. Pence’s closest advisers, who have also played important roles in starting the new political groups, America First Policies and America First Action. Mr. Pence has appeared at recent events outside his official residence with prospective donors to the groups.”

One might argue that Pence is raising money for Trump for the 2020 election. Then why is the money going into Pence’s PAC? Why does the VP need his own PAC? Pence was becoming a major liability to Trump. He was actively plotting to replace Trump in 2020 because, presumably, someone from the Deep State has indicated a change is coming. But something interesting happened to Pence on his way to the coup, he got double-crossed. The Democrats don't want a Deep State puppet. They want one of their own. This is why we are seeing a shift in Pence supporting Trump on a number of issues where he was previously silent. Pence knows he's a marked man. Mark my words, the plan is to have Trump and Pence removed from power and Pelosi will be the next in line. Pence played his globalist role so well, however, the globalists have obviously decided to go in a different and more desirable direction.

Second In Line for the Presidency

Pelosi is the ultimate globalist.  She has destroyed her hometown of San Francisco in typical liberal fashion. She is a compete stooge for the NWO.

One can be certain that this is a globalist plot, not just a Democratic whim to seize power. The globalists are obsessed with stopping Trump's nationalism. Recently, French President Macron got a hold of Trump's back-channel communications with Putin and this led to a series of chastisements between the European Union and the leaders of  Russia, China and the United States. As previously covered on the CSS, Macron announced that he was intent on the EU forming their own army to be prepared to fight the aforementioned three nations. This is excellent circumstantial evidence to confirm the opening statement that Russia and the Trump administration are in the process of forging an under the table alliance. There is an important consideration here. If Trump forms any agreement along these lines with Russia,without the express approval of the Senate in the "treaty approval process", This would be grounds for Trump's impeachment and subsequent conviction. One question remains: Will Trump and Pence be removed through the impeachment process or will an executive action be necessary? Nobody I have spoken with is certain. The majority opinion is impeachment is preferable over assassination. Pence is deeply compromised could probably be forced to resign. If this goes down as it is appearing that it will, there will be extreme civil unrest in the streets regardless of who prevails. Even though I would like to have had more information before publishing, I felt it my duty to expose this unfolding scenario in order to prevent a repeat of what happened to JFK.