You Are Playing In a Game With No Rules

We sit in the aftermath of Sandy Hook debating what to do about the murder of innocent men, women and children in America's gun free zones. There are some politicians, two in Arizona, who want to protect our children while they attend schools. Arizona State Attorney General, Tom Horne, has unveiled a plan in which each school campus in my home state would be required to have at least one armed staff member. In my opinion that is not enough, but at least it is a productive start. Hypothetically, can anyone argue that schools would be the safest place in America to be if 10 staff members on each campus were trained and armed? The question is rhetorical because the answer is obvious. Horne's idea is not new. In fact, he is copying what my friend, former Arizona State Senator Jack Harper proposed four years ago. Harper's idea was soundly defeated and continued to leave Arizona's students defenseless. When the coming trouble rears its ugly head, where will the resistance come from, you ask? Look in the mirror, because the American people are on their own and God help us if we ever give up our guns. Harper and Horne's idea of arming school personnel goes a long way toward protecting our children.  I predict that Horne's idea will suffer the same fate as Harper's. Protecting the children, in fact, protecting the all of the citizens in the United States is the not the objective of the Obama Administration! Ask yourself, would it be easier to protect school children by arming trained personnel or to risk civil war by confiscating guns? Further, Obama's children are protected by 11 armed guards while they attend school. Why are Obama's children more precious and deserve more protection than the Sandy Hook children? Anyone with an IQ over room temperature should realize that getting our guns is the sole objective of these false flag attacks. Whether Sandy Hook was a false flag event, or not, the children at Sandy Hook are NWO fodder for gun confiscation. On that point, there can be no argument. Therefore, if the government does not want to directly protect our children, why are they going through the charade to get our guns in the name of protecting our children? George Orwell would be proud of this 1984 example of doublespeak.

Why They Want Our Guns

If you were going to rob one of two homes, what would you choose? Would you choose a home that clearly has armed family members, or, would you choose the home where the best weapon in the house is  a butter knife? This is the choice being made by the Obama Administration. They have plans to loot your personal resources as they simultaneously facilitate your demise.  In the following paragraphs, you will see why you must be disarmed at all costs. The United States has unsustainable debt. The United States is crumbling under the burden of empire and is fighting wars we cannot afford. The United States treasury has been plundered by the bankers and, with QE unlimited, there is no end to the plundering caused by the illegal banker activities involving the futures and derivatives markets. The dollar will collapse. It is no longer a matter of if, but when. The globalists are taking steps to steal as many assets from the American people as possible before the collapse. For example, the Federal Reserve is printing $40 billion dollars per month in mortgage backed securities (MBS), each and every month, in order to buy properties in the United states. The total estimated real estate worth of the United States is placed at a little over $23 trillion. When one begins to calculate the real estate acquisition  power of the Federal Reserve's MBS program being done with OPM (other people's money)-(i.e. your money and my money), one does not have to be economic expert to spell the word, feudalism. Just like in the movie, Hunger Games, the Federal Reserve will soon be the major landlord in America as it moves to control all important resources, unless, of course, we stop them. Does the current mortgage related fraud make a little more sense to you now? Does the collapse of the housing bubble, which significantly lowered the net worth of the nation's real estate market come into play as we watch the Federal Reserve gobble up $40 billion dollars of property each month at dramatically reduced prices brought on by their illegal Wall Street Ponzi schemes? Even Ray Charles could see that these events are not coincidental, but hold on to your hat as this is just the beginning. On August 9th of 2012, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that once a depositor, you, place your money in the bank, the bank can do whatever they see fit with your money. In other words, America, the assets in your bank account could be stolen tomorrow and there is not a damn thing you can legally do about it. The canary in the mine for this violation of the public trust took place with MF Global when John Corzine, former Goldman Sachs official as well as the former Governor and Senator from New Jersey, oversaw the theft of $1.2 billion in secured private investment accounts. In other words, this money had already been earned and was not at risk, but it was stolen and the government overseer of this industry, CME's Gary Gensler, a former Goldman Sachs official refused to act on the theft of accounts overseen by Corzine.  But it gets worse. Do you remember that little organization called MERS which was caught selling multiple notes representing one individual mortgage note? Your mortgage note could literally be held by a couple of dozen mortgage companies which could move to foreclose on your mortgage note even though you are current on your payments. I did a brief check on my note and did a title search. Fortunately, I can only find one mortgage note to my property. However, when I looked at the mortgage agreement I have with Wells Fargo, it specifically states, in the fine print of course, that Wells Fargo retains the right to sell my mortgage note and is not responsible for the conduct of any party connected to the transaction. In simple terms, this is a license to steal. According the authoritative book, Clouded Titles, hundreds of thousands of properties have been stolen in this manner. Now ask yourself, if you knew that you were about to lose everything, what would you do? Well, you would have a garage sale in which you would try and get as much value as you could for things that would not be of use to you following your economic collapse. This is what is happening today in America's markets and the Federal Reserve is behind it. THEY KNOW THAT AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS COMING AND THEY ARE TRYING OBTAIN AS MANY ASSETS AS POSSIBLE BEFORE THE PROVERBIAL POOP HITS THE FAN! To add fuel to the fire, America sits on the precipice of the fiscal cliff.  Your taxes are about to rise significantly. The estate tax policies will become draconian and the middle class generational transmission of wealth will be all but halted. People on fixed incomes will suffer greatly and some will be forced out of their homes. Of course, Helicopter Ben will be there to swoop up the crumbs with their MBS funds derived from cranking up the printing presses and making our money less valuable. Additionally, doctors, treating the elderly, will see an income reduction of 30%. Who will be left to medically treat the elderly? When granny dies because she cannot get her heart medication, how are family members going to respond? We are witnessing the Great American Fire Sale brought to you by the five megabanks on behalf of the Federal Reserve. In parts one and two of this series, I spoke about how I personally know two ex-intel types who have already relocated to enclaves of like-minded people to what they believe to be safer areas. I personally know of a third person who is in preparation. They tell stories of coming gun confiscation and draconian gun enforcement, the rationing of resources, even more horrific false flag events which will be used to justify the seizing of our guns and yet, even worse unspecified events. Some of you have demanded names, on these three families, I cannot break the confidence. All of you in the media, understand the importance of not giving up the identity of your sources. I am hoping that more unnamed and named sources will come forward in order that we can establish a preponderance of the evidence which will get people to stand up for their rights, their futures and their children. You want names, you say? My current sources are out of bounds. However, my news director for my talk show, Annie DeRiso, and I have intelligence community contacts which go back almost two decades in which  they all warned us of the times that we live in now. For example, Annie was married to Bill Pawelec, who was a freelance CIA operative. Bill and I had been friends for years prior to his meeting Annie. At the time Bill contracted terminal cancer, Bill was in the process of planning to build a self-sustaining community, in the approximate vicinity of Pagosa Springs, CO., which were going to be inhabited by like-minded intelligence community types. This was such a serious endeavor that he and a former NSA operative, Vance Davis, were in contact with the now defunct Enron Corporation to facilitate the construction. Bill and Vance  invited me to participate, so I had first knowledge of their plans. Annie and I also had a lot of contact with the now deceased NSA operative AC Griffith, who was a guest on my show several times. Griffith warned Annie and I about the coming gun confiscation which would utilize goon squads which would go house to house and eliminate any opposition. AC said that they did not have the ability to canvas that many homes, but they would work on the principle that the IRS uses when dealing with tax cheats. Namely, they rule by intimidation by publicly punishing the few they catch in very harsh ways so as to intimidate the population into compliance. Griffith also warned of an ever-increasing set of false flag events which come over the country as an excuse to impose martial law. Following his death, those closest to him find themselves being followed and harassed and have ceased any level of activism. And while we are at it, in Jim Marrs' most recent appearance on my talk show, he revealed that several hundred banking officials have stepped down from their positions and have not been heard from. Interestingly, in the recent Hagmann interview, his DHS source alluded to the fact that DHS and Wall Street have parallel agendas. America, you are living history, right here and right now. The forces from the Federal Reserve are poised to literally steal as much as they can from Americans before the economic collapse. And before the economic collapse, the government must get our guns.  President Obama and Barbara Boxer are openly talking about the banning of guns. California and New York are poised to "buy back" guns. Seemingly, everywhere in the media, everyone is talking about banning guns. Again, I repeat, if the powers that be would refuse to directly protect our schoolchildren with armed guards on the campuses, then we have a right to question their motives in wanting to seize our guns. They are clearly not motivated by by a desire to save schoolchildren's lives. Genocides are preceded by gun confiscation. Revolutions are headed off by gun confiscations. What are Obama and his handlers heading off? I believe that you have all the information you need to answer the question.  When Americans cannot feed their children, when they have no hope, when the world that they know is gone, they will seek vengeance. Any government under these circumstances would be crazy not to respond. And respond they have, as the entire InfoWars team member, Aaron Dykes and popular talk show host, Michael Riverso had their Facebook accounts recently suspended until the public backlash caused FB to restore their accounts. And why was FB trying to block their message? Both men were presenting evidence which demonstrates that an armed nation is a safer nation. This is emotionally gut-wrenching to write this material. I am cewrtain that it is equally hard to read and comprehend. However, when realizes that you are playing in a game with no rules, characterized by might makes right, then pieces on the chessboard become a little more understandable. There are fundamentally two kinds of people, there are those who just want to be left alone and then there are those who won't leave them alone. As long as our people remain indenpendent, self-sufficient and think independently, the globalists are not going to leave you alone. And right now, we are playing this game of resource allocation on their terms, not ours. Again, there are no rules. If one think they can use the system which has been co-opted by the globalists to fix the problems (e.g. the courts), think again. The solutions for our issues lie outside the system most of us have spent a lifetime trusting and believing in. There are spiritual solutions to all material problems,  There are also the more passive method of noncompliance, which is based upon the premise that it takes two sides to play this game. If we stop playing their game with no rules, we might crumble the globalists systems of control and illusion. I will be addressing these concepts of passive resistance in a future article. God bless everyone and I wish a Happy New to all of you and your families.