National ID Cards Precede Enslavement and Genocide


"When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

Thomas Jefferson

America is about to embark upon a perilous path, one from which there will be no return. Nearly a decade ago, many Arizona legislators recognized the dangers and tried to block this imposition of tyranny in the state.

In 2009, Arizona legislators who opposed a the use of a national ID card because of the historical dangers to a population, sponsored and supported HB 2677 which tried to prevent Arizona from participating in the Real ID Card Act implementation process. Nine years later, Arizona lost its battle against the Real ID card which will soon be required to travel and following that, there is no doubt, it will be required to do business, hold a job, etc. Do the numbers 666 hold any significance for anyone?

History Teaches About the Dangers of a National ID Card

There can be no question that the Real ID Card is a real and present danger to every American who would be foolish enough to possess one.

If the average citizen is not concerned with the soon-to-be required national ID card, then they should carefully consider the role that ID cards have played in the history of human persecutions within the 20th century. The prevalence of national ID cards should concern all persons who are mindful about preventing a future national genocide similar to what happened in Rwanda and in Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany

In Nazi Germany (July 1938), only a few months before Kristallnacht (i.e., the night of the broken glass) in which Jewish businesses were targeted by the infamous "Brown Shirts" for destruction, the notorious "J-stamp" was introduced on national ID cards and then later on passports. The use of the "J-stamp" ID cards by Nazi Germany preceded the yellow Star of David badges which led to the subsequent deportation of Gypsies, Jews, homosexuals and political dissidents to the infamous Nazi death camps. In Norway, where yellow cloth badges were not introduced, the J stamped ID card was used in the identification of more than 800 Jews deported to death camps in Eastern Europe. And as this article will demonstrate, Norway is about to make the same mistake again, in 2018.

"A republic, madam, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin

Police State America

America has indeed been living on momentum which began with the Founding Fathers and has been perpetuated by successive generations of American people, until recently,

Increasingly, the American people are witnessing the abrogation of their political rights, their economic futures and the heritage of its children. Yet, the events which would have plunged America into the throes of a bloody revolution only a couple of generations ago are met with notable indifference today. As we take stock of our American way of life this July 4th, I would ask that you pause and hear the warning of world visionaries from previous generations who successfully fought the same revolutionary battles which Americans find themselves fighting today. Most of these voices that you will hear from come to us from our own Founding Fathers and they clearly tell us what we must do to preserve our way of life.

 Will America Ever Awaken?

At some point in time, the American masses are going to awaken from their slumber and begin to take stock of what they have lost and I am not certain the response will not be violent. The masses will angrily wonder how things changed so quickly. However, the truth is that some Americans have been warning the country about the very dangerous path that our country is on and how it is a threat to our way of life and potentially lethal to our very means of existence! Yet, the early revolutionaries of any movement are met with derision and charges that they are lunatic conspiracy theorists. Time will tell if enough Americans will heed the clarion call from those who see see real danger in our midst.

Warning From Scripture

We are witnessing the unfolding of Biblical prophecy before our very eyes. With the soon-to-be enforcement of the REAL ID card, where one cannot legally travel without it, ask yourself how long will it be until you will not be able to buy and sell without being marked by the federal government? How long will it be until this administration makes Christians display something like the infamous J Stamp? Yes, I know, you say that it cannot happen here and that is precisely what the Jews said in the 1930’s. I am sure they said "if you have nothing to hide, then you should not mind a national ID card".

Identification cards, in Rwanda, were the key factor in shaping, defining and perpetuating ethnic identity and subsequent ethnic cleansing. Once the 1994 genocide in Rwanda began, an ID card with the designation "Tutsi" constituted a death sentence at any checkpoint. No other factor was more significant in facilitating the speed and carnage of the 100 days of mass killing in Rwanda.

The Real ID national identity card must contain "physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes." This provision potentially opens the door to some very frightening set of additional requirements, such as a fingerprint or retinal scans. What the Homeland Security provisions will entail for the ID card is unknown at this time. What is known is that Homeland Security has essentially been given a blank check to enact some very draconian security and enforcement procedures.

Of course, the discussion of this bill was held in the full view of the public, correct? Well, not exactly. The bill was passed as a rider on a military appropriations bill with very little fanfare or media coverage. Proponents of the Real ID Card Act state that such a citizen identification measure is needed to protect us from terrorist incursions which ostensibly threaten our safety and well-being. Recent polls suggest that as many as 65% of all Americans have not heard of the Real ID Card Act. Presumably, even a higher percentage of Americans fail to understand the provisions of the act. And even fewer understand what this law could potentially mean to the loss of civil liberties. If this act is so good for America, why haven't more Americans heard of it? Why wasn't this act a clearly delineated topic for constitutional/legal debate held in the full view of the mainstream American press?

At an anticipated cost of the billion dollars it is going to take to implement! Individual driver's licenses will be reissued in order to fully meet federal standards. At a minimum, the cards will contain your name, birth date, gender, a National ID number, a digital photograph, address, and a common machine-readable technology that Homeland Security will decide upon at some future date. However, the Department of Homeland Security is given the final say as to what may appear on your national ID card. This type of discretion opens a Pandora's Box as to the specific categorizations which characterized Nazi Germany and Rwanda ID cards. And the fact that DHS is in charge of the ID process violates the 10th Amendment.

Can one imagine if the new extremist forces of the Democratic Party, Ocasio-Cortez or Kevin De Leon (soon-t0-be Dianne Feinstein's replacement), had access to this Orwellian technology, after being elected to Congress? The end game is tyranny. However, do we really want to open this door for a future despot? This is precisely why we have a constitution and why the preservation of the separation of powers was so important to the founding fathers. Do not let Washington violate the tenants of federalism and intimidate you with the loss of federal funds for failing to comply with their unconstitutional mandates. Let Washington keep their highway funds. Let the federal government keep us off airplanes, out of banks and out of federal buildings. When the country is paralyzed because we will not submit to this tyranny, the supporters of the Real ID Card will be swept from office with the force of a mega tsunami.

At the very least, legislation creating an identity card should have been carefully defined and should have limited the persons who would have access to such information and provide means of segregating information that unauthorized persons would not need to see. The Real ID Card Act does not provide these protections to American citizens. Even if access were carefully circumscribed, computer databases could still be vulnerable to hackers. Harvard educated, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, very carefully details how a national ID card could lead to an unprecedented wave of identity theft through a hacker's ability to scan the chip and download your personal information (so much for the argument that this will create a tamper-proof identity card which will greatly aid in the fight against illegal immigration). And don't forget the provision of this act which allows Homeland Security to enact any measures to "prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes". How will Homeland Security respond to the threat of identity theft? Will Americans be forced to accept an implanted RFID chip in our hands or foreheads? On this point, I wish I could say that I am being factitious.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." After all, if the first casualty on the war on terror is the constitution, then we have already lost the war.

  The Common Sense Show says, "What sense does it make to embrace a National ID card for national security reasons, when we will not even secure our borders against the likes of MS-13 and ISIS"? But do not worry, tagging the population, before bagging the population is a global phenomenon. The national identification cards, are going to be ready by 2020.  No, I am not just talking about America, this is Norway, where the Norwegian government is spending 700 million Kroner to complete this piece of the police state surveillance grid. 

Norway to spend 700 million kroner on new national ID cards

Do think ID cards, as bad as they are, will constitute the end of this system of tyranny? The state of New York is using facial recognition cameras to identify drivers and passengers at toll booths. A recent article in the New York Post revealed that toll booths use facial recognition to identify everyone. “We are now moving to facial-recognition technology, which takes it to a whole new level, where it can see the face of the person in the car and run that technology against databases,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. There is one question that I would like to leave all readers with: Are you a Tutsi or a Jew? Revelations 13:17 16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…

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***Major Announcement***

Stay Tuned, Dave Has Accepted An Offer From a Major Podcast Company to Broadcast His Daily Interviews and Commentary. A Public Announcement Will Be Made In the Near Future.

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