Past False Flag Attacks Haven't Destroyed the Second Amendment, What's Next?

Americans, in ever-increasing numbers, are beginning to speak about another big false flag that is coming which will serve as a pretense to get America's gun.  Before examining that possibility, let's review the recent events. In July of this past year, America witnessed the shooting of the Aurora Mall theatres at a Batman premiere. America was not moved in the direction of gun confiscation. The Newtown shootings pulled at the heartstrings of unaware Americans who mourned over the senseless loss of life of America's most vulnerable victims. Yet, Americans responded with record gun purchases.  This past December, in Utah, a random shooting took place in a mall. The media began to sensationalize the event in the name of gun control, until it was discovered that a person with a gun stopped more needless tragedy and the story disappeared from the corporate controlled media because it did not fit the anti-gun agenda. The same exact scenario took place in a restaurant/theatre in San Antonio. False flag shootings have been part of the American landscape going back to the Virginia Tech shootings and even back to the shootings at Columbine. Every year, there are more tragedies and more calls from the globalist controlled media to take the guns away from people. Yet, those that would seek to disarm us are met with opinions ranging from indifference to defiance with regard to the calls to get our guns. The heretofore efforts to get Americans to give up their guns have fallen on deaf ears, no matter how emotionally gut wrenching the murder scene. I concluded some time ago that an enormous false flag effort was needed to turn the tide from anti-gun control to pro-gun control in America.

The Feds Need A Massive Game Changing Event

Unable to move the public on the importance of gun control, if the Obama administration wishes to get the attention of the American people, they need a false flag event of such major proportions, which is so horrific, so dramatic and so compelling, that even the NRA will have to run for cover. Last May, I postulated that a false flag attack might occur in Chicago. I reiterated this claim last fall. Please consider the following interrelated events as I see nothing to deter me from my original prediction:   Former Mossad contract agent, Rahm Emanuel mysteriously and unexplainably left a key White House staff position to descend to the less lofty role of being the Mayor of Chicago.  Emanuel could very well have been put into play to remove the barriers which could lead to an easier false flag attack. As mayor, Emanuel would have control over law enforcement response to any emergency. His actions could exacerbate any attack. Certainly, in his role as the city's chief executive, he would be in a position to thwart a meaningful investigation into a coming massive false flag attack as well. He has the power to turn off security cameras, control the placement of personnel and provide a context of plausible deniability for the Obama administration if such an attack were to occur. I only know that if I lived in Chicago and I knew that Emanuel was going to be out of the city for a few days, I would be very nervous. The mysterious death of Chicago activist, Jeff Joe Black, who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event. Black, at the last minute, cancelled an appearance on my show and subsequently went into hiding and was eventually murdered while in hiding. In my mind, Black's murder strongly validates the aforementioned assertions.  Black had told me that we were going to witness Chicago becoming the site of a massive false flag operation which would be the catalyst for martial law. Black asserted that Chicago would experience a massive wave of house to house gun confiscations. It was Black’s contention that this was a lead up to the implementation of full-scale martial law and possible war. It is apparent that a similar warning has already been issued to key people from Chicago so that they can stay out of harm’s way. And along these lines, does anyone else find it interesting that President Obama is not planning to return to his former hometown of Chicago? In case you have not heard, Obama is in the middle of securing a residence in Hawaii while disposing of his Hyde Park properties in Chicago. Why?  What does he know that the rest of us do not? Subsequently, Chicago does appear to be a likely target for a false flag attack.

The Washington Post Drops a Bomb Shell

The Washington Times is reporting that TSA agents are being trained to save themselves in the event of a mass shooting at an airport security checkpoint. The obvious question remains, should O'Hare Airport be avoided at all costs? Should all airports be avoided in the context of the new TSA agent training? I do not think that question can be definitively answered, but again, the trend curve for a massive and dramatic false flag attack designed as an attack on the Second Amendment, is clearly in our immediate future.

Not Everything Goes According To Plan

In my youth, I played quarterback. When an offensive team goes to the line of scrimmage, the coach has already signaled in the play to the quarterback. However, each quarterback will survey the defense and they can change the play, by calling an audible,  just before the snap of the ball, if the quarterback feels that the play will not work. Often, a quarterback will have three or four play options, and each option has different possibilities based upon the reads of the players.  Before the process of explaining an audible becomes too complicated for the non football person, allow me to say that the planners of false flag attacks have a primary plan. However, based upon the unfolding of intelligence and events just prior to the event, plans can get changed based upon the contingencies of the situation. The obvious football translation is that Chicago and O'Hare International Airport may be the primary false flag target, but circumstances could dictate the implementation of an attack elsewhere or in multiple airports at the same time. It is impossible to say for certain. However, it is safe to say that all the signs point to an imminent false flag attack. Is the attack going to be at an airport security checkpoint?  Is it going to take place in Chicago as I have been claiming for nearly a year? Nobody outside the planners of the event can say for sure. However, forewarned is forearmed and the key word is forearmed. Do not be tricked into giving up your guns by any false flag attack in Chicago or anywhere else. And if the feds ever get our guns, then the real adventure will begin because we will be totally defenseless.