Under the Cover of the Measles Panic, the CDC Is Mobilizing for a Fake Ebola Pandemic

Something is seriously wrong in LA. People and institutions were unduly isolated when the "reported" cases of measles totaled less than 20. When I was kid, you caught measles, stayed home for 14 days and returned to school. Nobody died! Now the mainstream media would have you believe that everyone will die. Of course when I was a kid, we took 9 vaccinations. Today, there are 77 and according to the CDC and mainstream media, they are all equally safe.
Something to Really Worry About
Meanwhile, there are three individuals who "escaped" confinement who have tested for ebola. I have had three people in three different alphabet soup agencies tell me that the release was a black-op and it was unwarranted.
In the following contextual information, a DEA official showed me a non-classified communication which stated the following:
Cartel personnel under surveillance are involved in illegal transport of cocaine and methamphetamines labeled as legal, recreational marijuana under the corporate name xxxx xxxxxxx. The destination is believed to be E. Oakland. Do not interdict at this point.
Attached to this short cryptic memo came the warning the 3 Ebola detainees had escaped confinement in McAllen, TX. This fact is confirmed by at least two other federal law enforcement agencies. These are weaponized humans. If the cartels do not have them at this point, they will be looking for them. On the federal government side of things, agents I spoke with are frustrated because there is not an active set of search parameters and protocols enacted to locate these people. Some agents believe that this is the beginning of human suicide bombers. However, they will not have bombs attached to their bodies, they will be infected with Ebola. The Deep State controllers who control the extent of federal investigations are not concerned about finding these individuals, but the cartels are. As one federal agent told me last night "the 20 Congoloese detainees that we caught and confined, represented the ones that we caught....we have an untold amount of people crossing our border who are unscreened and represent a clear and present danger to the country."
Weaponized Measles?
According to one federal source, we are looking at several "new" strains of measles. Some appear to be vaccination resistant. In the past, measles deaths were extremely rare. Today, that may no longer be the case. This raises the possibility that some strains of the measles are actually a bioweapon. Why would this be thrust upon the American people? When I asked my sources for an opinion, they universally said this is preparation for something bigger that is coming our way. In other words, under the guise of preparing for the measles, which will not panic the nation, the CDC is mobilizing a response, under the guise of treating and containing measles when they actually preparing for something like Ebola.
In conclusion, Ebola is likely the end destination because as I have pointed out, Ebola is "owned by the CDC as they possess the patent. Do not forget, the CDC, just like the Federal Reserve, is not part of the Federal government. They operate with statutory powers granted to them by the Federal government. They are first, and foremost, a money-making corporation. We have seen this before, where a the powers-that-be will make money on our demise.
The video, located at the end of the article, makes it clear why people should not trust the CDC with regard to the measles outbreak, there is something seriously wrong. It is my contention that this is the calm before the storm and the storm will hit after a maximum number of people are vaccinated and enough money has changed hands, then we will fact a manufactured pandemic in which a minority of Ebola cases will be used to confine many Americans, thus destabilizing the country.
It is Steve Quayle's contention that before America is attacked, it must be significantly weakened from within. I completely agree and I think we are looking at the potential that even that will usher in the weakness. The other even is the Oroville Dam and we could be a week away from the day of reckoning in this area as well. These events will not likely be slow-developing. The agents I talk with believe that the events could come quickly as the gestation period for Ebola is placed at a maximum of 20 days. In short, many signs point to the fact that the unwarranted and exaggerated measles scare is a cover for the mobilization to deal with Ebola. This is very much an "end times" event.
For documentation of many of the claims made in this publication, please refer to the following:
All Signs Point to UN Imposed Medical Martial Law Coming to the Southern Border