March 2013 Archives

March 17, 2013   Special Guest: STEVE QUAYLE

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This City Is the Canary In the Coal Mine for America's Future

Who am I? In my heyday, I was the fourth largest city in the country? Fifty years ago, I had the highest per capita income in the country. Unemployment used to be rare, now unemployment is rampant. My infrastructure is rotting and not being replaced. Cross a bridge on a public road at your own risk and the chances are one in two that you will not be able to read the sign warning you that the bridge has indeed collapsed due to neglect. Who am I? Am I speaking about Calcutta, Bangkok, Johannesburg, Mexico City, a remote province in China or some barren stretch of land in Yemen?

This City Is the Canary In the Coal Mine for America's Future

Who am I? In my heyday, I was the fourth largest city in the country? Fifty years ago, I had the highest per capita income in the country. Unemployment used to be rare, now unemployment is rampant. My infrastructure is rotting and not being replaced. Cross a bridge on a public road at your own risk and the chances are one in two that you will not be able to read the sign warning you that the bridge has indeed collapsed due to neglect. Who am I? Am I speaking about Calcutta, Bangkok, Johannesburg, Mexico City, a remote province in China or some barren stretch of land in Yemen?

The Mother of All Conspiracies (Pt. 7)

I bring this information to the public with a very heavy heart. Some journalists revel in being able to expose the type of dramatic conspiracy contained in this article. I take no such pleasure in bringing this to your attention. I will receive no awards or accolades, nor do I seek any. I am setting myself up to be criticized as "one of those conspiracy theorists" with too much time on his hands who has nothing better to do with my time than to invent wild tales of corruption in an attempt to draw attention to myself.

The Mother of All Conspiracies (Pt. 7)

I bring this information to the public with a very heavy heart. Some journalists revel in being able to expose the type of dramatic conspiracy contained in this article. I take no such pleasure in bringing this to your attention. I will receive no awards or accolades, nor do I seek any. I am setting myself up to be criticized as "one of those conspiracy theorists" with too much time on his hands who has nothing better to do with my time than to invent wild tales of corruption in an attempt to draw attention to myself.

Voices From the Gulf: "We Are Being Poisoned" (Pt. 3)

Obama declared that the Gulf is open for business and the food supply is safe, quieter voices understand that the President is not telling the truth. The oceans are engines of life for the entire planet. And something is wrong, terribly wrong with the water in the Gulf of Mexico and the American people are not being told the truth about the ongoing cataclysmic events in the Gulf.

What the Non-EPA Researchers Are Saying

The most isolated group from which we can measure health effects in the Gulf are the clean up workers.

The Psychology of Gulf Coast Victims (Pt. 2)

In my first investigation into the health effects in the Gulf, data was sparse and the demonstrable health effects were mostly anecdotal. Today, we are beginning to see some very early trend curves with regard to health and the trends are frightening. However, I am afraid that the emerging health data will fall upon deaf ears. In fact, it is more likely that non-Gulf Coast residents will readily see the dangers before the actual victims in the Gulf.