Resistance Against the Globalists Is Futile Unless …

  It is hard to argue that early winds of revolution are not swirling in the American air. Even the dumbed down populace is aware that something, yet remains undefined for the ignorant, is terribly wrong as all signs point to very bad times ahead. Those of us who are not prisoners to network news, are all too aware of the depopulation schemes of the globalists who have seized control of the US government.

Who Needs FEMA Camps When We Have This?

America has been conquered by the international bankers and subsequently, America is on life support. At one time, I believed that if enough people, like myself, could wake up  enough Americans as to the dangers we face, we had a fighting chance to take our country back from the bankers that have hijacked the government.

Who Needs FEMA Camps When We Have This?

America has been conquered by the international bankers and subsequently, America is on life support. At one time, I believed that if enough people, like myself, could wake up  enough Americans as to the dangers we face, we had a fighting chance to take our country back from the bankers that have hijacked the government.

Whatever Happened to the American Dream?

What makes America, America? We often hear talk of the “American Dream.” Americans have come to expect certain lifestyle advantages and political freedoms unparalleled by the rest of the world as a result of their American citizentship. At one time in our history that was true. In 1948, America, despite only having 5% of the population, manufactured a stunning 50% of the world’s goods. America once possessed over 95% of the world’s telephones and cars. But something has gone terribly wrong. American exceptionalism is no longer a guarantee.