The Democratic Party Is Breaking Apart Thanks to Ocasio-Cortez and George Soros


It is a common practice for the extreme left to promote division within the American people an a classic divide and conquer strategy. This approach is effective if one wants to plunder a nation, destroy the culture and overthrow the governmental structure, then George Soros and the Democrats have mastered the art of divide and conquer. If the liberals can keep everyone else at odds (eg black vs. white, gay vs straight, pro-life vs pro-choice, etc), this strategy can serve as a distraction to keep eyes off the invasion of this country that is underway under the direction of the Deep State.

TRUTH is now “hate speech” on Twitter as truthful statements about history result in being banned


One of the most offensive things to many Americans is to suffer criticism from immigrants who came to our country to escape vile, deplorable, violent, and corrupt conditions in their own countries. It seems something far more than mere hypocrisy to complain about your new home when your real home is, by comparison, so loathsome you couldn’t remain there. But immigrants who become Democrats seem to do it all the time, and some of them are now even becoming members of our government. One of the newest is Rep.

This Man Is the Only Thing Standing Between You and Total Enslavement


This man is the only thing standing between you and total tyranny from the left. He stand between you and FEMA camps. He stand between you and the loss of your rights and even your life. Perhaps we should all stand up and support this President as he risks everything for us.


The COSMIC truth: Ten revelations that prove Democrats are DEMON-infested creatures pretending to be human


When you interact with top-level Democrats, never make the mistake of thinking you’re dealing with human beings. The cosmic truth of the matter is that high-level “DEMONcrats” are quite literally demon-infested creatures who are pretending to be human. This is not a metaphor. It is literal. This is what allows Democrats to now legalize infanticide — the medical mass murder of children.

In gun-controlled Mexico, the murder rate is nearly 500% HIGHER than in the USA

gun control
As U.S. border agents crack down on organized crime, drugs, and human trafficking at the southern border, the Mexican government has no choice but to deal with and pay for the crime that their country fosters. Mexico’s homicide figure for 2018 was 33,341 — far surpassing the 2017 tally of 29,168. Violence is rising in Mexico as the country absorbs their own crime problem, deflected back to them due to assertive border policies enforced by ICE and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Pelosi Claims Power to Overturn Constitution As She Threatens Second Amendment


Two weeks ago, Beto O'rourke advocated for scrapping the constitution. Now, Pelosi claims the right to undo the Constitution on her own volition. For a member of Congress, this amounts to lawlessness. You will not believe your ears on this report.


A Country That Won't Hesitate to Murder Babies, Will Not Hesitate to Take Everything You Own and Murder You


Will the day come when Americans, in great numbers, leave their country and go abroad in order to make ends meet? Will any have to leave to escape persecution. Some are noticing that this is already happening and its going to greatly increase when President Trump leaves office.